
If the spirit guides etc. you talk with were in human you think you would like them as much?

by Guest60599  |  earlier

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I don't mean that they would be 100 or 1000 years old. Maybe if they were the age they were when they died. Have you ever even thought about their ages?




  1. No, because then he'd always be hanging around, eating my food and taking the TV remote, stinking up the bathroom, etc. I don't need that. It's better that he's in spirit form since I can just ignore him if he gets to be a bother.

  2. I became a toad at the age of 312.


  3. How do you know you haven't spoken to any spirit guides in human form. I mean how would you tell the difference? I think there are angels all around us that seem to us like real human people.

  4. I like all my guides and companions.

  5. well in my opinion wisdom doesn't have a age limit.

  6. ahahahaha... my angels are OOOLLDDD... lol But for me, it wouldn't make much matter...I don't judge people by how they look. I have a spirit friend whose a bit, erm, odd. Were you to judge him based on how  he looks, you'd run the other direction. But he has a heart of gold, is so pure of heart, so peaceful and so full of calmness and unconditional love and friendship that the first time I saw him, my heart beat a little faster (in fear) but I could just sense that he'd never hurt me in a million years.

    My angels are the same way. They're very huge. We're they take a human form, they wouldn't fit into my house. Michael can be downright scary to feel sometimes, when he really shows himself to me, as he's HUGE (and OLD LOL). But it's the overwhelming peace and love they send to me. One touch when I'm afraid can make irrational fear disappear.

    So, to me, how old they are or what they look like doesn't really matter much.

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