
If the spiritual books or watever they are called were (read on)?

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if the bibal, torat, quran, etc (watever else book there is) was written hundreds of years after the messengers of god was killed or died how can it be true

if you dont understand how im wording this question tell me:) im not wordy today




  1.    Hi, The Bible is a life giving book.

    Take a little time to read this if you'd like.

  2. God looks at a much longer termn than man does presently. Man may limit his view to his next meal, or if he thinks 'long term' later in hisd life. God sees now and years, centuries, etc down the road.

  3. That's just the thing, no one knows. That is where the concept of faith is introduced. Personally, I do not follow a religion, because of that reason. I cannot believe in something written by man, because man are prone to make mistakes, lie, and cheat.

  4. I can only speak for the Qu'ran here; it wasn't written hundreds of years later, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on a journey where he sort of visualised the Qu'ran and seeing as he was illiterate; got someone to write it down immediatley after

  5. The real question is, why would you base your life on something written a thousand years ago rather than what you experience today?  Trust to your own experience first, and relagate the books to the realm of advice.

  6. It is definitely possible that they could be true -- but, if you have ever played "telephone", you will understand that it is not likely.  Proper analysis requires examining any such text in the framework of what is now known, and the bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Qur'an all fail miserably.

  7. I think Ziggy is right.  Many many times oral histories turn out to be true.

    The apostle Peter's bones are in a box in the basement of St. Peter's Basilica, Peter knew Jesus Christ.  A lot of real history has been written along the way and it is NOT all oral history.

    Are you going to refuse to believe anything unless you experience it first hand?  Not very practical or reasonable.

    I know people who have actually seen excellent pictures of Jesus appear in the sky.  At least one of them is still living, she is my mother.  She doesn't lie or go off on flights of fancy or even have an active imagination.

  8. I don't know where you get your information.  Most of the Bible wasn't written hundreds of years after the fact.  The Gospel of John was written by John the disciple.  Paul was also of the same era as Jesus.  It was merely compiled into one books hundreds of years later.

  9. What if the stories were kept alive by word of mouth, like all other important things were kept? How can you doubt another civilization merely because it does not measure up to your "not wordy" expectations? How do you think ancient history was passed on? They didn't have MS Word '07 in the first century! LOL

  10. The Bible is God's Holy Word written by Holy men of God.It was written by God's Prophet's.It proves itself through its prophecies and many archelogical discoveries.God used holy men of God like we use keyboards for our Q and A here.

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