
If the steering wheel is stright and the car goes to the right?

by  |  earlier

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wich wheels needs to be adjusted

the right one looks adjust more inward and left one looks stright




  1. Could just be following road crown...all roads are slightly higher in the middle to allow for runoff from rain..if you are in the right lane, more then likely your car will tow to the right if you let the steering go, if in the left then it will tow to the left...I'd try driving on a 4 lane, flat road, and check both left and right lane driving first..then make sure all of your air pressures are the same, if so, take it in for an alignment and suspension check.

  2. Could be as simple as low air pressure in one tire.

  3. You need to take it to an alignment shop where they'll put it on a lift with a special machine that will allow the mechanic to set the proper camber and toe-in with lasers.  They adjust the tie-rod ends in or out.

  4. bro.....i do not suggest this,but.....when i was a young POOR car guy,we used to line them up with a string!----Jack up the front of the car--safely---go by the back will get you close..but you need a front end shop..good luck! the distance between the front tires....get it the same ,top and bottom....0 camber!

  5. You need a basic alignment at a garage.


  6. that is called you need a wheel

  7. it,s probably the toe end, but the garage will do the whole front end alignment.

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