
If the system fails to take care of Casey Anthony?

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Then will it be time for some old fashioned mob justice? Some rope and a tree?




  1. You contradict yourself. Thats not justice. You don't know Casey killed Caylee...let the law take its own course. The truth will prevail...if not now...then theres always Divine Justice.

  2. 'mob justice' is an oxymoron.  You may be the other kind of moron.

  3. Works for me.  

  4. Like so many of the protesters swarming the Anthony family residence, I too look forward to the day that Casey pays the piper for her careless disregard for her daughter's well-being. But, as I have said elsewhere in this forum, Casey is not worth losing our constitutional rights over. I can put a price tag on Caylee's life, and the price I am willing to pay caps out when everyone elses rights are jeopardized. The truth will come out, and Casey, as well as anyone else involved, will be brought to justice.

    If you give any credibility to Leonard Padilla, he claims that a dumpster about a mile away from Tony Lazzarro's apartment will play a key role in this investigation.  

  5. Casey Anthony murder her daughter.  the police are doing everything they can to put her away for life.  My brother was murder in 1983 it took them (police) 9 months to arrest the people who done it.  they want to make sure they have all the stuff on them they can get.

    it's coming, just wait.


  6. I think mob justice would solve alot of problems in this case and many others.  

  7. I agree with Faith. Let justice take its course that's why we have it. If this woman has committed a crime she will be punished in a lawfull way. A rope and tree are certainly not the answer to her or anyone else  

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