
If the tables were turned and Obama or Biden's teenage daughter were pregnant, would it be an issue?

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I don't think so because Dems seem to support and encourage unwed and teenage mothers. Palin is running for VP, not her daughter, so this shouldn't be such an issue but I feel the Dems are making it one. So, my question is, would it bother you if Obama or Biden had a 17 y/o daughter and she just announced she was pregnant? Why or why not?




  1. Haha, your kidding right?  You know that Obama or Biden would be so embarassed that they would force their daughters to have an abortion.

  2. I would just de-pregnate them before anyone found out

  3. Wouldnt be an issue because the abortion would be quick and covered up.

  4. The press would eat Obama or Biden alive!  Dems support no such thing! The issue isn't that she's pregnant,but that Palin was less than forthright about it.

    I have no problem with Palin's daughter or anyone else's being pregnant.It does tarnish her squeaky clean family values image,though. The word hypocrite comes to mind.

    The dem's aren't making this an issue. The rightwing talking heads are doing it to one of their own.

  5. Are you serious. the repubs would be out for blood.

  6. Oh so you support teenage pregnancies?

    Did you know it costs an average over a $100,000 to raise the child to 18?

    Oh wait..i grows on trees.

  7. Democrats are against abstinence, they support brutal partial birth abortions, who made them the spokesman for what a governor's daughter can do?

    Obama himself was born to an unmarried, 18 year old woman. They are hypocrites.

  8. It would only be an issue if we found out that Obama or Biden had their daughters get a quick abortion so as to not ruin their image. But Sarah put her grandbaby before her image.

  9. Not only would it be an issue, but if one of the democratic candidates failed to affix a flag lapel pin to their pajamas before going to the restroom at 4:00 in the morning it would also be an issue.

  10. Why do you ask a question an then immediately answer it yourself?

    "If the tables were turned and Obama or Biden's teenage daughter were pregnant, would it be an issue?"

    "I don't think so"

    So let me get this straight, the Republican's entire political consists of wagging their fingers in peoples faces for things like this, but all of a sudden when it happens to them, it's not an issue?

  11. Im not sure. I might get offended and turn away since she's so young, but if Palin is ok with that and is willing to help her daughter, then she can turn it into gold. Show the world that Palin is a family woman.

    However it all depends on the person.

  12. If the tables were turned you will be on the attack and I will defend him

    You know that right???

  13. If it was the other way around. Republicans would be clicking their little heels for joy and using it to attack the Democrats on every possible level...The funny thing is, consevratives have SUCH double standards. If something goes awfully wrong in their party, they try to brush it off and pretend like its no big deal...If they cant even believe in their own lies, how can anyone else?

  14. No, it is a fact of life and has been going on since the begining of time.  The only difference is is that Palin's daughter is taking responsibility for her actions and well Obama or Bidens daughters would just have an abortion because that is what they are taught in the home.  When your parents don't take responsibility for their actions then why would you?  I think it is refreshing to see a candidate that is honest and not perfect, yet owns up to their faults.  Biden is a liar and Obama is far worse- one would have to be blind to see the sharp contrast between the two.  Atleast Palin does not have mentors that were criminals, communitst and anti-American, radical racist beliefs.  Plus her campaign is being funded by ligitament funds not those of George Soros.    

  15. Nope.  There would be some yahoos out there making it an issue, I'm afraid, but for me, this sort of thing should never been an issue.

  16. It's only an issue because they need something to attack her on.

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