
If the teenager can't outsmart his own parents...?

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then he truly is an idiot, right?




  1. If a teenager thinks he can outsmart his parents,

    he either

    a. just hopes so, knowing by then that parents are much smarter than they might seem. (love seems to bring out irrational thought, but experience displays the rationality behind these.  To understand a parent one must become a parent.)

    b. Is an idiot.

    c. Has some really dumb parents.

    I think my parents believe that i am smarter than they are,

    but i certainly can not outsmart them.  They have too much experience on their hands, and know me too well.

  2. No, parents have years more of experience with everything than a teenager. All teenagers go through that I'm smarter than my parents faze then you learn your not and they were almost always right.

  3. no

    parents were teens once to and as long as they remember what they did then they will know how to counter that in there own teens

    hopefully they know though that rebellion is necessary and that the more a teen has to rebel against the more they will rebel

  4. NO....parents are more experienced in life and will eventually catch him if not at first.  

  5. The funny thing is that I got 133 on my IQ test, my parents got 122 and 118. Saying that, it was only IQ it didn't count for emotional IQ or life skills. So I'm smarting than my parents in normal IQ but they have more of life skills + common sense.

    BTW I'm 14.

    Thanks, Dan

  6. i don't think this is necessarily true as the one who answered first said  but most of the time parents are right generally speaking but i think parents make plenty of mistakes as do the children i think getting through the problem and supporting one another is most important

  7. Same story new characters.  

  8. your not supposed to outsmart your pearents !!!

  9. Well he can't outsmart his parents because we have already been there done that!!  I know what I did as a teen and therefor there is NO WAY my son will be able to get away with anything.  

  10. Wrong. You can't Outsmart them because they know you too well.

    They are older than you and they know all the tricks because hey they were teenagers once too. from the age of 13 to 19 just like every one else who has grown up by now. Annndddddd,they had friends who were teenagers..........

    You are OUTNUMBERED kid...... Just be happy these are the best years of your life.  Enjoy them soon you will have to grow up and be responsible for EVERYTHING so Live it up while you can.

    Be Blessed You are Blessed........ and I'm sure your parents Love you a lot you sound like a fun kid.....

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