
If the terrorist target at producing more CO2 by burning forest, isn't the effect of devastation much more ?

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If the terrorist target at producing more CO2 by burning forest, isn't the effect of devastation much more ?




  1. lol

    I seriously doubt that terrorist will target forest. We are the infidels remember, not a bunch of trees.

  2. Yes, I have a response...uh, what?!

    Sorry, just saw a Geico commercial.

    Can you rephrase the question or clarify? Are you asking "If terrorists want to inflict damage by targeting forests and burning them, isn't there a higher amount of environmental damage done by the loss of trees and usable land?"

    I suppose the burned forestry and land would show the most immediate impact, then the damage to the air would be secondary, but fairly minimal.

    I have to say, I doubt al Qaeda or any other self-respecting terrorist organization would bother with one forest. Unless it was a nationwide, concerted effort, in an attempt to tie up emergency services on a wide scale - I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

    I'm more bothered by our Swiss cheese borders and the whiny demands that we be PC with our security measures. And when are we gonna spend serious money on scanning and protecting our incoming shipments and becoming less dependent on fossil fuels? Now, THERE'S an ecological slopbucket with which we're afflicting the environment.

    As a matter of fact, when are we going to stop depending so much on foreign products of any kind, when we have so much here at home? Are we really so lazy and greedy? Shame on us. And yet, we're still the most blessed country in the history of the world. We ought to start living like it - as well as being grateful. Let's start by being  more self-sufficient.

    Every day, separationism looks better and better. Egad and OOHRAH.

    Ooops, just gave an ecological query a political answer, huh? My bad. Carry on...

  3. No, because a meadow with fast growing grasses and bushes actually sequester more CO2 than a forest.  This is because acre for acre, more plant material is produced in the faster growing meadow than in the very slow growing forest.

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