
If the theory of evolution is true when will Africans evolve into European looking people?

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I never thought that the theory of evolution could be true with only 3 races. There would have to be a race to bridge the link from Europeans back to Africans and there isn't a 4th race to support that claim.




  1. This is an ignorant question.  You are sadly misinformed about evolution.  

    If people like you would let evolution be taught in schools as it should be, and listen with an open mind, you would not have to ask questions that make you seem totally uneducated.

  2. I wasn't even going to touch this one ... just a bit too ignorant a question for my taste.   But I will say that Vincent G's answer has  everything I would have said.


  3. They won't.  All species (humans included) evolve to their surroundings.  Change (or evolution) is the result of the organism changing to meet the demands of it's environment.

  4. Africans and Europeans are not separate species they are both human just slightly different variations in form due to environmental conditions. Variety within a species is very common, one variety is not better than the other, they are just anesthetically different, NOT evolutionarily different.

  5. This begs the question. Both Europeans and Africans are perfectly evolved to succeed in their environs--the main issue being the amount of sun the peoples received (dark skin is selected in climates where more skin is exposed and light skin is selected otherwise)

  6. I'm going to put this as politely as I can: You have no idea what you're talking about.

    Three races of man?  NOBODY with an education believes that.  Those who accept the notion that the human species has races (and there is debate on that, as H. sapiens shows far less genetic diversity than most species and there is often more genetic diversity within a "race" than between "races") acknowledge a bare minimum of SIX, not three, races (in addition to European, African, and Asian, there is also American, Australian, and Oceanic; some anthropologists also split sub-Saharan Africa into two different races).

    Next, your assertion that prehistoric man is a "perfect match" with today's Africans is so vague as to be meaningless.  What precisely do you mean by "prehistoric man"?  Homo erectus?  H. neanderthalis?  The very first members of H. sapiens?  FWIW, many scientists believe that H. neanderthalis had skin color close to that of modern humans of European descent, meaning that skin color may be an area where Europeans are a closer match to prehistoric humans than Africans.

    Next, any educated person would look at your question and wonder why, precisely, Africans (or, for that matter, Asians, Oceanic people, etc.) should evolve to look like Europeans.  The theory of evolution states that populations evolve to adapt to their climate; what on earth makes you think that the adaptations that will work in central Africa are the same adaptations that will work in Scandinavia?  

    In short, your question is based on (at least) three assumptions which are not true.  There is therefore only one way to answer your question, which is to say what I said at the beginning of my response: that you have no idea what you're talking about.

  7. Well, while waiting for Secretsauce to see this one and give you a good education and set you straight about real consequences of evolution, why don't I give you a quick run down of things in store for you.

    First, assuming that Africans will evolve into Europeans implies that Europeans are more evolved than Africans. This is just not so. Evolution is about adapting to environment. The African tribes that migrated north and found themselves in Europe were in an environment where there was less sun (required to synthesize D vitamin) and had to acquire fairer skin. In turn, this make them more prone to develop skin cancer when exposed to more sun.

    Second, have you ever met an Egyptian? They are from the North of Africa, and their skin tone is comparable to that of someone from the south of Europe (like Sicily), i.e. people living at the same latitude. You can look at different people in Africa and notice how much their skin tone changes across the continent, as a function of the latitude and other environmental factors.

    You can also compare Asian people from the south (say Thailand) with those of the north (like Korea) and draw the same conclusion: skin tone, size of the nose and so on are adaptations to prevailing conditions.

    But in order for any trait to develop and amplify, they need to provide a reproduction and survival advantage over those not having them. Do you see people living longer as a fonction of their skin color? No? Well, that means that evolution of those trait is essentially stopped as far as the human race is concerned.

  8. There is only one race.  The human race. A hundred different varities.  Get an education.

  9. there is the theory that neanderthals cross-bred with others to produce Europeans

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