
If the troop surge worked why are we still in Iraq ?

by Guest57074  |  earlier

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If the troop surge worked why are we still in Iraq ?




  1. Luke 24.44-45,47-49

    Revelation 16.15-16

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  2. to make sure the surge keeps on working.

  3. if you get bugs  in your home you call an exterminator and it use to be one trip done it but now you got to sign a years worth of service agreement  because they cant use the good stuff think of it as a nuke. well they lay out bait for the bugs well in iraq our people are bait and one by one the bait kills but doesn't get them all  so they keep putting the bait out every month because the bugs breed its never over you keep paying because just like bugs so are the terrorist they breed hate and our troops are the poison that kills the hate..

  4. If your parents got an abortion, why are you here??

  5. because there are still insurgents in iraq and our troops are trying to get as many out as possible[=

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