
If the truckers strike, do you think that will change the price of gasoline?

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The truckers are threatening a strike, to force the price of gasoline to be lowered at the pump....will this help or not?




  1. the government will have to do something otherwise there will not be a good supply of food and everyone will start a riot

  2. There is no organization to this "strike".  No unity.  No clarity.  No leadership.  No one to represent truckers & negotiate with the "powers that be" in Washington.  

    It's a bunch of (legitimately) ticked-off owner operators who haven't made a profit since fuel topped 2.50 a gallon, and who are now going broke since freight rates have NOT gone up to match fuel prices.  

    They're mad.  They're losing their livelihood.  They don't know what else to do.  So either by necessity or by desire to "take a stand" they're shutting down their trucks.  I can completely understand where they're coming from.  

    But, will Washington give a c**p?  Chances are, no.  The major companies are still running & show no desire to participate in a strike.  If fuel prices got too high & threatened to drive the major carriers out of business, the government would likely realize the repercussions of that, and start handing out bail-outs.  

    But unfortunately, owner-operators make up about 10% of the trucking population, and the government likely doesn't give a c**p whether they sink or swim.

  3. it probably will for diesel. they better lower it, or there wont be any groceries at the stores.

  4. No it won't. The greedy heads of the oil companies don't care a l**k.

  5. Not really, because most trucks use diesel. If they went on strike for a long period of time, it may effect the price of diesel because there will be a big supply but a low demand. However I dont think they will be able to strike that long to lower the price. Those guys have families to feed just like everyone else

  6. Maybe not.  Our food prices my go up though.

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