
If the uk govt give our kids the gift of free education,why then are we prosecuted if our kids truant?

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If the uk govt give our kids the gift of free education,why then are we prosecuted if our kids truant?




  1. Do you believe your taxes don't pay for that "free education"?

  2. Because the government is paying for your child to go to school so that they will get an education and be a more well rounded citizen.  It is your duty to make sure that your child goes to school.  If you are not taking care of your child's needs, like making sure they go to school, then you are being neglectful.  Parents who don't make their children go to school should be punished.

  3. The real reason is that the schools which depend on government funding must prove that they are worthwhile.  An easy way to do that is by reporting good attendance.  It really doesn't have anything to do with children getting a good education.

    The real goal is to turn out more drones to keep the rich and powerful in the status quo.

  4. As a parent Your responsible till your child is 18 years old thats why You are make sure they meet obligations of school, doctor visits and such unlike here in the U.S. at least parents still responcible enough to make sure children stay out of trouble right! or are confused that your a parent! and you set the rules!

  5. cuz kids are kids

  6. because it isn't have the responsibility to raise your child in a atmosphere of learning.why wouldn't you want your child to have the best shot need to be a parent and not their Friend,sorry if this sounds harsh.

  7. You seriously think your kids aren't your responsibility?  Government, with the people's consent, decided that education was required, so they provide it at taxpayer expense, not free.  It is your responsibility to see to it that your children take advantage of it.  You have other options, if you don't like the public education system, but your laws say that you can't just let your kids roam wild.

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