
If the unions preach solidarity. Then why is mebership at an all time low?

by Guest67007  |  earlier

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As an ex union ironworker I got tired of the rhetoric and unionist lies. Not to mention my dues going toward beer,strippers and drugs. To h**l with unions and their lies!!




  1. Primarily because legislation passed in the Reagan...raygun era...made it extremely difficult to get a union shop started.  Because of the way things are set up legally, if a worker attempts to organize a union, he/she can be fired by the employer.  The laws are currently set up against unions.

    How could anyone be against everyday Americans organizing to protect themselves against corporate America?   Unions brought us the 40 hour work week, safety standards and many, many benefits.

  2. My experience with the Union in Great Falls Montana was dispicable.  They wanted all these fees for a 8 dollar part time job with no benefits.  Greedy pricks don't really care any more about the American worker and middle class than do most of the Corporate outsourcing peckerheads.

  3. Like government, unions are corruptable and the most corrupt people tend to float to the top.

  4. Well the only reason they preach it is to getr your money so they can get drunk, get high and get hookers. And most unions if you don't join them they will blackball you and it will make it hard for you to get a job almost anywhere but Texas.

  5. I agree with you.  I worked in a meat packing plant that was unionized, and I hated it.  Look at companies like Wal-Mart, they don't have a union and their employee's love it that way.

    Honestly I think unions are unnecessary.

  6. I hope Unions never grow strong here in the US again.  Unions are and have always been a gang of thieves who rob the consumer by extortion.  Our economy will do well when Unions are gone.  We will all do well when Unions are gone.

    The young union workers are robbed by the old union workers

    and all union workers rob everyone else.  Now the problem has spread, our local, state and federal government employees that are unionized and so, robbing us at a government level.

    The problem can be easily solved by abolishing the National Labor Relations Board.

  7. is not the democrats/republican or unions dividing our USA. beware the drive by media and mainstream tv news. Besides obvious liberal bias they need controversy to keep ratings hi. To them Profit comes first, political gain next. USA integrity and safety  last.   Please...find conservative source of  news, then compare with what TV offers.  God help our United States of America


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