
If the whole world accepted the theory of evolution? ?

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do you think the word cruelty would be forgotten?




  1. No but at least stupidity and ignorance would be to some degree anyway .

    TAT - Hitler was a Catholic .

    Jeanmarie - You are an idiot almost without exception scientists agree evolution is valid Ted Haggard is a liar one of the reasons he is in prison until 2012 .

  2. I can't see the connection.

  3. If the whole world understood gravity, we'd still have plane crashes... and L*****n pillow fights.

  4. If the whole world accepted the theory of evolution, then mankind will even more act like animals. Look at the way America has gone since evolution has totally replaced Creation in school. We now must have armed guards in our schools because of the violence and drugs. Discussion of God is not allowed in school, so there is no reason for kids not to follow their own moral choices, bad or good. What does it matter if they have loose s*x, and do drugs to feel better, and act violently toward others. It is, after all, survival of the fittest. That is the whole core of evolutionary teaching, and they are just living like they believe it.

  5. What does cruelty have to do with evolution?

  6. Consider this

    Mysteries In Science

    The Young Age of the Earth

    The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

    The Origins of Life

    Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

    Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

    Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

    Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

    Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

    Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation

  7. No.

    Most crimes against humanity do not involve people's belief, or lack thereof, in evolution.  They involve bigotry (racial, religious, s*x, etc.), hate, and pride.

  8. The whole world is never going to collectively accept evolution, but I still don't see the connection between accepting evolution and the absence of cruelty.

    It seems that those who accept evolution are the most cruel and soul-less among us. Maybe that's why they're losing adherents.

  9. If everyone believed in evolution the concept of morality and good vs bad would be gone.  If the entire planet thought they came from monkeys and thus were no more than meaningless clumps of molecules then "eat drink be merry for tomorrow you die".  The concept of morality would only be an illusion.  Besides, without a judge of us who is to tell us whats right and wrong, morality is in the eyes of the beholder.  If the word "cruelty" were forgotten it would be because mankind has no more need of such a delusional word.

    But thank God we are not meaningless.  We all were created by God in His image.  Jesus died on a cross for the sins of mankind so that all could be with him in peace for eternity.  

  10. franhu is totally correct.

    There are many scientists that do not believe evolution to hold water.

    Here are just a few:

    These all have Masters Degrees or are PhD's. The speakers include: Don DeYoung, who has a PhD in physics; Michael Oard, who has a Masters in Atmospheric Science; Eugene Chaffin, who has a Masters in Physics; David Kaufmann, who has a PhD in Human Anatomy; Kevin Anderson, who has a PhD in Microbiology; Mark Armitage, who has a Masters of Science in Biology.

    A small listing of the many scientists, regardless of whether or not they were or were not Christians, who did not believe in evolution, includes:  Richard Virchow, who helped develop the science of pathology; William Thompson, who helped develop the sciences of thermodynamics and energetics and invented the Absolute Temperature Scale; George Stokes, helped develop the science of fluid mechanics; Nicholas Steno, who helped develop the science of stratigraphy; William Ramsay, who helped develop the science of isotopic chemistry and discovered inert gases; Louis Pasteur, who helped develop the science of bacteriology, discovered the Law of Biogenesis, invented fermentation control, and developed vaccinations and immunizations; and Blaise Pascal, who invented the barometer and helped develop the science of hydrostatics.

  11. What's the full title of Charlie Darwin's best seller?

    "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or

    The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

    So to get less cruelty we should favour or preserve certain races?

  12. evolution don't make sense

    I know they're Christians that believe in that, but at least they believe God did it...

    how can you believe we evolved to what we are now?

    how can we come from nothing to what we are today.. does that make any sense

    what purpose does evolution have

    randomness gave me eyes to see, nose to smell, ears to hear, mouth to taste, hands to hold things, legs to walk etc..

    that is God created me with a purpose

    evolution would be a good science fair project, but thats about it

  13. Contrary to Christian belief, evolution has been proven. Therefore, except for those who refuse to see, it is accepted throughout the world.

    And all it has done is shown us how we have species diversification, it does not teach us how to be kind to other humans or animals.

    That comes from somewhere else.

  14. There is no connection between evolution and cruelty. In fact, Hitler too the theory of 'Survival of the Fittest' from Darwin's writings on Evolution to justify the murder of so many Jews, in such a cruel way. There is no religion, or irreligion that is seperated from cruelty in this world. Cruelty is a human endeavor... a bad one, but a natural human endeavor none the less.

  15. No. I don't think that believing in evolution would cure the cold hearted. No matter what the entire nation believes in, there will still be something for people to disagree about. The first monkey was black, no it was brown! People are vessels of opinion. And they are always eager to voice that opinion. Therefore, there is conflict. For cruelty to be ended, we would have to all learn to set aside our opinions. And since the Lord granted us 'freewill', I doubt that will ever happen.

  16. I don't see how you can compare the two. Evolution has nothing to do with cruelty. (Ok, I guess it did play a cruel joke on the polish).

    Maybe you meant to compare religion with cruelty.  Most wars, genocides and pain have been caused by the righteous who believe they have the official path to god.

  17. well i dont believe in evolution so.....

  18. Uhh, no. The theory of evolution is not...magic.

  19. Of course not.

    Heck, with the exception of a few deluded fundies in the US, pretty much the whole world does.

  20. No.

  21. In the beginning there was nothing

    Then some nothings got together and became something

    Then something exploded ( the “big bang” )

    Millions of years passed by.

    As the gaseous remains of the “big bang” spread out

    Some of it became galaxies, stars, and planets

    Millions of years passed by.

    On the planets it rained and it rained

    Millions of years passed by.

    Some rocks dissolved into puddles,

    And this became the primordial soup

    Millions of years passed by.

    Something in the soup decided to be life

    Millions of years passed by.

    This “life” mutated and mutated and

    Millions of years passed by.

    this is where ALL life comes from!

    Yeah Right!

    Give me CREATION as it is much more believable



  22. No, but maybe if everyone learned the gentle art of cross-stitch embroidery...

  23. No, I think racism would abound. It is the theory of evolution that fueled racism. Evolution is what caused Hitler to believe blond hair blue-eyed people were superior bc they were more evolved than Jews or any other color.  Not accepting evolution is not what leads to cruelty.  Selfishness and intolerance and ignorance lead to cruelty.

  24. no, b/c it'll always be there. just b/c someone accepts evolution that doesn't mean that he/she is atheist. now if your question was whether cruelty would be forgotten if everyone was atheist, then probably. atheists are generally smarter than religious people, and i'm not just saying that. they are smarter not just intellectually but socially since their minds are free, unlike some people.

  25. Here's an idea:  How about if you get back in school?  It wouldn't hurt.

  26. We certainly would not have all the blood-shed spilled in the name of religion.

    However in my opinion religions who use God to bless thier troops is a gross misrepresentation of the God of love in the Bible and Christ, the preacher of peace

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