
If the whole world goes vegetarian, what would happen with all of the animals?

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I am vegetarian myself, so dont get offended, but this question crossed my mind today...




  1. When I became a vegetarian, my dad asked me that question, and I didn't know hot to answer. We would still use animals as a source of clothing, furniture, leather appliances, etc. But animals would also become more abundant, maybe even to the point that there would be too many animals in the world. In our ecosystem, humans are classified as omnivores, so it is probably for the best that there be some people who eat meat. However, when it comes to a point where people start taking animals for granted and torturing them, then it is the vegetarians and the vegans who must stand up and fight!

  2. It's likely that animals used for meat production would be slaughtered en masse in order to avoid an over-abundance of "useless" animals, not equipped to survive in the wild.

  3. I'd like to say that all the animals would be happy if the world went vegetarian, but vegetarians still eat eggs and drink milk so there would still be animals being abused.

    The chickens and fish would be happy!  

  4. Honestly, most of them would die. There would be no motivation to care for them anymore, and they would starve to death. What ones didn't would likely go into the ecosystem and cause serious environmental problems- eating other animals' food, destroying crops and plantlife, causing other animals to go extinct, and running out in the road and causing accidents. No thanks. I'll stick to steak.  

  5. they would all die a slow and horrible death through starvation and disease, kind of like the deer are now in the suburbs. without predators such as wolves, bears, large cats, and us people. these animals overpopulate because that is their mechanism for success in the wild. We have removed almost all natural predators except for a few bears and cats here and there, so it makes no sense for the animals of the people to stop eating meat, IMHO

  6. all highly unlikely.

    if one doesn't eat an animal,  that animal is processed into other elements such as additives, chemical adjuncts and research.

  7. Well, veg*anism isn't going to take over that fast.  As more and more people become veg--we can dream--fewer animals will be bred because there will be less demand for their flesh.  As fewer animals are born, that means there are fewer that suffer.  And there will be fewer around.

  8. 1 The whole world will not go Vegetarian simply because I will not be a vegetarian and Im part of the whole world.#2 If left to their own devices most animals would over populate until some predator decides to use up a food source. And since the food source would be so great that pedator would become a super predator, case in point Saber tooth tigers and wooly mamoths.#3 Im not offended because you are vegetarian but I am offended by not so smart questions.

  9. ironically there are more cows than there should be because people want ot eat them, and the same goes for many other creatures. And if everyone was vegetarian, then nothing would change becasue they would still be here for dairy and eggs.

    but if we were all vegan.

    then we would just have to twiddle our thumbs till the population gets to it's natural level after we quit the forced artificial insemination.

  10. Humans are the ones who keep breeding the animals, if it weren't for that there would be a lot less animals in the world.  They would live their lives like all other animals do, free.

  11. I am a vegetarian too, I wish it would be good if the whole world was vegetarian, but meat animal would stop being bred and go extinct.  

  12. People mainly eat domsticated beef, lamb, pork, goat, fish and poultry. All of these animals exist in the wild in various places on Earth: either feral domesticated breeds or related species. If there was suitable habitat for them to live in then they would thrive. If the intensive breeding programs used to produce food were stopped then the populations would return to smaller levels and somehow the ecology might adapt to having them reintroduced, if they had room to roam.

    Animals can take care of (and feed) themselves. People seem to forget that.

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