
If the wind is gusting at 60k per hour on a mountain, is it dangerous to go snowboarding?

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I wanna go boarding tomorrow, but the wind is supposed to go 40k per hour and possibly go up to 60k per hour. Are these dangerous conditions?




  1. Some boarders might think it a challenge, but unless you think so, and have the experience to back it up better stay in where it is safe and warm...

  2. It definately will push you around, and won't be that pleasant.  

    I have ridden in 40-60 mph winds more times than I can count.  40 mph isn't all that bad, but when you get to 60mph+ it gets nasty.  

    If you are smaller like I am, it will push you side to side and sometimes back up the mountain!  Also, if it has snowed recently, the visability will be low.  And the wind will sting your face, so make sure you have a bandana or face mask with you.  

    High winds with low visability can get dangerous.  I have been riding where you can't even see more than a couple feet in front of you and you are getting pushed all over.  That can get pretty nerve wracking.  

    If you are an experianced rider, it will be fine.  Experianced riders will dip into the trees as soon as possible to get out of the wind, but it will still suck until you get to the trees.  

    But since you are asking this question, my guess is you aren't experianced enough to make it worth it.  

    The only reason to go in high winds is because you are really dedicated, and don't want to lose any time improving your riding.  Otherwise, just wait for better conditions, especially if you don't have a season pass.  

    Don't forget about the chairlift ride up.  That it what sucks the worst about high winds.  Especially since they have to stop the chairlift whenever the winds pick up too much.  Then if you are stuck on an open face while it is stopped, it is really miserable.

    EDIT: I just did the conversion out of curiousity.  That is only 25 to 37 mph.  You should be just fine.  40 kph is not that bad at all, and definately not dangerous!  Don't worry about it.

  3. of course they are unless you weigh 500 pounds! go after the winds die down. the snow will still be there

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