
If the winner of the NBA finals are called the "world champions"...

by Guest31668  |  earlier

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then why are there "world championships" which actually include teams from other countries? which is more legitimate??




  1. The title World Champions, is more name than substance.  Of course it doesnt mean these players are the champions of the entire world.  There probably is another team out there in other countries that can beat them(and maybe theres not), but we can never ever decide that rite?  A streetball team of 5 could possibly beat the "World Champs", who knows.

    So its just a title.  I dont really mind NBA broadcasters using it.  It doesnt mean much other than the NBA Champs to me.

    For baseball, they call it the World Series, but its only really between the US and Canada.  But they title of the WOrld Series was coined in 1903 and at that point, baseball wasnt even popular in any other country but the US.  So that kinda gave us the edge.

  2. they are called world champions because people believe that the best players in the world are the ones in the nba. regardless if they are from overseas,still playing in the nba

  3. because there is wnba which mean world national basketball association.  

  4. What?  Can you rephrase that again?  Is this still English?

  5. The Olympics are the legitimate world champions. But I don't think basketball is the big one. I think that the World Series just has a ridiculous name. Every team is in the USA except for the Blue Jays!

  6. why did the chicken cross the road

  7. The Nba by far has the best players commpared to international leagues, so they would have the best teams in the world meaning the best players in the world are playing the best players in the world. The Nba doesn't have any restrictions on international players coming into the league, so for teams from other countries wanting to be the best, they need to join the Nba.  

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