
If the wonderful day were to come and the Royals had to get proper jobs would you employ them?

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Solara43. They aren't proper jobs. Even the ones in the services have their hands held for them.




  1. Some of them choose not to have royal duties and get other jobs,

    Among others:

    -Sylvana Windsor, Countess of St. Andrews

    -The Lady Helen Taylor, daughter of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (she works for Armani)

    -Excmo. Señor Don Iñaki Urdangarin (married to Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca and daughter of the King of Spain) is a professor in a Spanish university and very involved in sports.

    -Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont (House of Savoy, Italy) works in Geneva as manager in the banking industry.

    Yeah, sure they get good jobs, the family name counts and having had access to a great education in the best schools DOES certainly help, but they also have to endure the constant pressure of  always having to perform excendingly well in whatever they are doing.

  2. Princess Anne seems to know her way around horses. She would make a pretty good stable lad.

  3. um no way. if i did i would make them work hard.

  4. Isn't it amazing!  the sheep jump right in to answer his questions. They already have proper jobs,you couldn't fill any of them.Edit..... you just hate being proved wrong.

  5. If I did hire them, I don't think they would last long since they are so used to be waited on.

  6. Of course I would  ... Phil the Greek could be our Diversity Officer ...Viscount Linley could be my closet - maker  ..., Eddie could tidy my lawns and do a bit of uphill gardening and Harry Hewitt could be my "entertainments "manager ...

  7. Not in a million years there's nothing they could do.

    Although Eddie could try to get his old job back at Cadbury's packing fudge.

  8. Yeah so long as they were menial jobs that didn't need brains.

  9. Some of them already hold "proper" jobs. The Duke of Gloucester is an architect.He was actually able to use his skills until his brother died and he became a full-time Duke.Still,his interests tend to be in what he trained for-architecture.Since he went to school,trained properly,did an internship,passed all of his examinations and has a good work resume,I'd feel safe hiring him.

    The Prince of Wales turned out to be an astute business man;his Duchy Originals and Organic Farms are doing quite well.He'd be a good hire in the organic business field.

    Edward was a film producer and did make a few good films;he'd be a good hire for that field.

    Sophie was in public relations and I guess if she ever left the family could go back to that job.

  10. Certainly , i'd employ Charles , i'm in need of a good gardener , lol...

    ( Imo that's all he's good for , sorry ! )

  11. Sure I would!

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