
If the world didn't spin...

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If the world didn't spin, would there still be wind?




  1. Yes. Wind is caused by air and air pressure. The more air molecules present (such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc.), the more air pressure because the chance of collision amongst these molecules are higher when it is more concentrated. Wind is caused by the pressure gradient force. If there are two regions of unequal air pressures, the air moves from the region of higher air pressure to the region of lower air pressure, causing wind.

    So wind can be summarized as the effect of changes in local air pressures.

  2. Yes.  The spin of the Earth does not directly cause the wind (though it does make the wind curve.)  Locally, winds are caused by temperature dfferences between two points.  The warm air wants to rise and the cold air sinks and moves into the area where the warm air used to be.  Moving air=wind.  In a nutshell.

  3. yes, the world spinning doesn't cause wind.  different temperature in different parts of the world cause air masses to have high or low pressures, which causes wind.

    just a thought, if the world didn't spin, half the earth would be very cold compared to the other half, so maybe there would be more wind? idk, just a thought

  4. yes. half the world would freeze and the other half would burn. the drastic change in temperature would still cause wind. Wind doesn't come from the world actually rotating through space

  5. If it didn't spin relative to what?

    If it didn't spin relative to the Sun, then the same side would always face the Sun, and that side would tend to be much hotter than the other side. However, both sides would remain warm enough for an atmosphere to exist, and the temperature difference would cause great winds to blow across the planet (especially around the 'twilight band' between the light and dark sides).

    It it didn't spin relative to the galaxy or the other galaxies in the Universe, then the Sun would continue to go up and down, only it would take roughly 365 times longer to do so. The effects would be somewhat similar to those mentioned above, although perhaps slightly less (resulting in less wind). However there would still be more wind than there is now.

  6. The world spinning has nothing to do with wind. If it did, where would the wind come from? Hopefully, not from outer space because there is no air present therefore neither is wind. If you're not aware, air is the source of wind. Earth spinning does not affect the wind quality whatsoever.

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