
If the world is constantly spinning...why aren't we dizzy all the time?

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If the world is constantly spinning...why aren't we dizzy all the time?




  1. The earth is spinning, But in relation to the earth we are standing still on the Earth. And thats the perception we get.

  2. Who says we aren't?

  3. cause the world is big enough to not feel dizzy about, and besides the world spinning so slowly that we don't have clue about it

  4. the reason you don't get dizzy is because you are not spinning. more accurately you are flipping end over end. 12 hours from now you feet will be pointing in the direction your head is pointing now. the reason you don't notice anything is because your body is conditioned to the movement. also compared to the distance we travel the arc is very shallow. the steeper the arc you move in the more profound affect it has on you. run in thighter and tighter circles until you are in one spot spinning. you run at the same pace but the larger the circle the less the effect.  furthermore because not only are we moving with the earth but so does the atmosphere we dont notice the movement which is actually around 1000 miles per hour. Circumference of the earth is  24900 miles and we travel that distance every 24 hours.

  5. Because we are spinning along with it at the same rate and in exact relation to it.

  6. Some people are. The spin is very slow:   1 rotation per day.

  7. Because we spin along with it. It is the same as sitting in a moving car. The only way to tell the car is moving is looking out the windows. Elevators move rather quickly, but most people don't notice because there are no windows. The only clue that a body is in motion is if there is any acceleration or deceleration. This causes force to be generated. The earth spins at a constant speed and there is no force felt. The only clue it is turning is the motion of the sun and stars. Unfortunately this causes ignorant people to assume the sun is moving and not the earth.

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