
If the world is going to end in 2012... how will it happen?

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If the world is going to end in 2012... how will it happen?




  1. someone will get THE answer on Yahoo Answers, and we all blow up.

  2. gas prices will drop to $1 a gallon and everyone will die from a heart attack.

  3. who said that the world is going to end in 2012??

    these are just predictions based on things we don't know

  4. it will end when god says it ends and will end by fire this time

  5. Read the Book of Revelations in the Bible.  IT SAYS NO ONE WILL KNOW!!!!  2012 is a theory. It is ending as we speak. (Disease, pestilence, floods, natural disasters, and I believe in the end..............FIRE!  Which may explain the whole asteroid hitting the earth theory! IDK) I know where I'll go when I die and that's all that matters!

  6. some one like you will ask this dumb question one time too many and GOD will snap his fingers and the world will go up in a cloud of smoke.

  7. won't happen.

  8. Well 2012 is just a theory only God knows who made up, and God will end it when he's ready for it to end, I am pretty sure the Bible said it would end by fire. But if I got to choose how the world would end I would want the biggest asteroid ever hitting the ocean  and the ocean totally emptying and entering the cities and big populations and leaving only men or women or both, and women couldn't reproduce so that the human race would go extinct, and animals would still be alive for athousand years and then all of a sudden they go into the ocean and kill themselves because they miss humans too much.

  9. It will not happen, the one who predicted that are crazy people.

    Before, they predicted that the end of the world is year 2000 but they failed. Now they are making new revised schedule??? they are absolutely insane!

    The world will only end when the fuel of our sun emptied, and according to scientists' calculations, it is approximately 5 Billion years. Without the sun, it would be impossible to sustain life and that's the end of our world.

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