
If the world is going to end in 2012 what the point?

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I'm in 9 grade and i want even graduate before the world goes to h**l whats the point in me passing school and whats th point in getting good grades if I'm not going to use them to my best abilities.




  1. You still have 4 long years to enjoy your life, what to worry about.

  2. Nobody knows the answer to that. They said it would end in 2000 but it never did.

  3. will you please open your 15 yr old eyes?

    do you see ANYTHING  on the news about the world ending?  Even one little drop?  Please...


  5. You need to understand that the fear of the end of the world has been around since the beginning of time. There have been millions of "end of the world" days and none came to pass. It's called fear. No one can say for sure when the end will be or if there will even be an end.

    You can't just stop everything because they say it will end. That would be stupid.

    Let's just say that it will end in 2012. If it was a sure thing, would you continue living the way you are living now, or would you decide to do something you have always wanted? A lot of people complain because today is never a good day to do what they want. Today is all you have. Why is it not a good day? Most people are busy hating on each other and ruining everyone's efforts because they feel they deserve something that is not theirs to have. Focus on being a good person and not hurting anyone, and if today is your time to leave earth, at least you can say you did something great. If you don't die, you're just gonna be able to do something else you wanna do. As long as it doesn't hurt others, you should be fine.

    Graduation is not a big deal if you're gonna die before anyway. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep going. Don't give up. Keep learning. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. While everyone else is preoccupied with hurting others and stealing and whatnot, you're learning something new, and this is what is good.

    You should try to find a job that will allow you to grow and use your abilities right away. Or get a few books that would help you grow and just read them and teach what you learned.

    You need to detach yourself from any outcome of this world. It doesn't matter what happens here, just as long as YOU are able to allow your mind to grow, this is what you wanna do.

    What's the point of having a baby if that baby will get hurt and eventually die? People do it anyway. What's the point of doing anything is we will all die at some point soon? If we all stopped living, do you know how much worse this world would be? It would be insane!

    Keep living your life. Do what makes you  happy, and learn something new every day.

    It isn't about thinking positive. Many people live their lives thinking this way and they still aren't happy with their life and some have no more faith in a happy future. Just don't think of the end of the world like you are thinking about it right now. You will die when you are supposed to die. You could be killed in many different ways before 2012 even comes close to today. Any of us can and many of us will. This is the "end of the world" for that person. Your school can burn down before 2012, and many other things can happen before 2012. You can't stop living because people say it's the end of the world. That would wrong of you to so. When 2012 comes around, how will you feel when it'll just be another year like any other? If you give up now, you'll feel pretty stupid then, don't you think?

    You don't know if you will die this winter. None of us know when we will die. Live your life the best way you can and try to become a better person, to yourself and to everyone else. Learn something new every day and teach those around you.

    Get this book: and you may just come out of with with new knowledge that will help you live the best life you possibly can while you're on earth. I can tell you that the more you read these types of books, the more you'll know and the more you'll understand.

  6. Lol yeah everybody thought it was going to be in 2000, but now we're about to enter 2009. God said that man shall never know when the world will end, so that won't make sense. Just pray and be happy until the day comes. By the way we're not all going to h**l, just the non-followers.

  7. Dont think about world's end ,do best in your subject,love your work with positive thinking.Best target can get only by hardwork.....

  8. ...hang in there and do your best getting good grades...if you gave up now...come 2012 you'll still be in ninth grade, nothing happened...

  9. The point of accomplishing anything in your life isn't for any other reason than because you want to accomplish it. Don't go to school or finish school because that is what you are suppose to do, or because others tell you it is what is you are suppose to do, finish school and learn all you can because it is what you know you should do.

    When you worry about 'what ifs' then you come up with all kind of reasons not to move yourself forward. Instead focus on what you would like to accomplish with yourself, who you want to become and decide what is the best way to accomplish these things. Then go about and accomplish them.

  10. no one will predict the end of time but the Father in heaven.    Do your best always so  you will make Him proud by using the gifts and talents He has given you.  Then when you do return and God says what did you do with what I gave you.  You will proudly show Him be the day tomorrow or  whenever.  

  11. It's bullshit! Guess what? I'm gonna f**t on that day!(21st december 2012)

  12. THat is just what the AZtecs say.

    I think you are using this as an excuse to get outta school

    Think what if the world didn't end by 2012. If u flunk school the rest of your life will be harder. I will graduate high school in 2013 (supposedly after the world ends) but im still doing my HW.

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