
If the world is said to end in 2012, what will happen or w/e? Will Aliens attack, Earthquakes, etc? ?_?

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Will Will Smith save us? He is "I Am Legend"? What about John Connor? Is that it? Lol How does the world end or w/e? What would happen? Like Meteors or w/e? and I heard it happens during Christmas, I mean before Lol, Dang >_< At least it could be AFTER or w/e Lol

Looks like I should start making a list of things to do now >_>

So the question is, what are the events or what would cause the world to end or w/e?




  1. I was watching the Bible Code on the History Channel once (yeah I love history) and they said that there are hidden messages in the Bible that have predicted all sorts of events that happened. Then they showed these events that were to come and it got me really scared because they showed this code the had the following words listed:




    Earth Anihilation

    Well i got really scared after that so I turned the TV off. I dont think the Bible Code actually exists though, because you could come up with lots of things, you just have to choose randomn letters and make words out of them. So chu, it says a comet will end the world, but no one knows when the world will end (except God).  

  2. President McCain is at the end of his term of office, being voted out in November.  He is old, tired, and in a fit of rage at somebody (Russians?, Chinese? Pakistan?) decides to use the nuclear option.  

  3. Its said that the world will end in 2012 because of Nuclear warfare. Also, the anti christ will preach, and cause a bunch of chaos.

    In the bible it says that the world will end when everyone least expects it. And that only God knows. Before it does end, there will be judgement day, and Jesus will come down.

    I dont think the word will end in 2012, for the fact that God only knows, and that its based on the mayan calendar. The mayans offered children sacrafices to God, so im not going to go by what there calendar says.

  4. Before the world ends there will be minor and major signs for that, then it is judgment day.

    The minor signs are happening already, with people forgetting who they are originally, not thinking there is a God watching up there, tall buildings tearing the sky... and much others.

    Major signs are when the sun will rise from it&#039;s sunset, when a strange creatures come out and kill all the living, when a new hypocrite calling him self the Messiah comes and says he is a prophet of God, when people follow him, yet his h**l is heaven and his heaven is h**l, and only true believers will see right through his lies and, when the True Jesus will come once more and kill this importer..

    I won&#039;t say more but this is what will happen and as for the earth halting in 2012 this is but a myth from a bunch ignorant yet smart people whom has perished long ago. You should choose what you believe.  

  5. the three risks of human extinction:

    1) massive asteroid

    2) nuclear war

    3) george w bush jr

  6. I think....well.....for me the most possible things are earthquakes and eruptions! It sounds logical- dont u think??? People=we are destroying everything=nature so I think NATURE IS GONNA KILL US!!! XD

    LOL  That sounded strange!!! xD

  7. *sigh*

    Thanks for the two points.

  8. Personally, I don&#039;t think the world will end December 21st, 2012, according to the Mayan Calender. Those things always seem to come and go.

    But I&#039;ll still be on the edge of my seat December 20th! Just to see if anything actually happens.

    I sure hope nothing happens. That will be a few days after my 21st birthday! D=

  9. Who know but it will be an interesting event in the media I am sure!  Lots of doom talk is expected and maybe some false prophet&#039;s could appear( like we need one more)  Guess we will have to just wait and see!  Will be much interesting news as the time gets closer to that date, very interesting indeed!! Cheers!

  10. I don&#039;t think 2012 = the end of the physical world, but rather a change in consciousness for all of humanity.  Apocalypse means to unveil, and I think 2012 will unveil to us a new dimension.

    Just like a shadow is a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional object, I believe the world we live in now is a 3d representation of a 4d reality (and perhaps even more. some experiements in quantuam mechanics suggests they are up to 11 dimensions).

    The reason the Mayan calender ended in 2012 is because they couldn&#039;t see the 4th dimension.  Imagine a can get an idea of what the real object is, but not exactly.  For example, your own shadow at the end of the day where it appears you are 15-20 feet tall.  You have an idea of the real object, but in actuality it is quite different.  That&#039;s what I think the 4d will be like.

  11. Humans will destroy themselves, we have become a world of self gratifying greedy absorbed selfish shallow nasty species, this has been a virus sent to the world from that disgusting country called America, we will implode on ourselves, destroyed from within, but probably before 2012, the only people who do not deserve this fate are people who give power to love RATHER than love to power.

  12. You might be too young to remember Y2K... but wiki it.

  13. Their ain&#039;t no ending of the world in 2012. So, relax. Natural disasters come all the time.

  14. lol hopefully that 2012 theory isn&#039;t true, cuz I would be graduating that year, and then we die? They said we would all die in 2000, but here we are, still living o.o

    Well, who knows when the world is really going to end...

    My head just spins thinking about where we would go after we die and how is the universe crated...aahh I&#039;m confused. &gt;.&lt;

    And yes, go Will Smith! :DDD

  15. I dont believe it will end according to the mayan calender but if it was to end they only thing i can think of will be that it will be like the movie The Day After Tommorow now that is what i predict the end will be like. I mean if we dont quit messing with mother nature that is whats going to happen am i right.

  16. ahh chu, you are touching on one of my most over-discussed topics.

    there are several thing that can cause the world to end..

    but for now, there are only two things that i have actually considered possible in the near future.

    and those two are the following:

    1.Global Wardming

    2. Nuke War (an Armageddon)  

    both a vary possible.... in my opinion that is, and also most possible out of all other causes to end the world.

    if there is global warming, then .... well we&#039;ve all seen the movie &quot;The Day after Tomorrow&quot; , you pretty much get the idea ....

    and if we have a nuke war,  so much will be destroyed.... afterall, its not the explosion part thats going to kill the chunk of us, it what happens after........ (jsut remeber, it will be the biggest  Armageddon  the world has ever wittnesed)

    and if all goes well, then we will have yet to live the other possibilites such as:

    Commit hitting earth

    Sun Exploding

    Sun burning out

    no more ozone layer


    running out of rescorces


    and anything else, i don;t really think you interested, ( i however am- so if you are interested in hearing in more, id be glad to share my veiws with you)

    so chu... as you can see, the world right now.. sorta seems suckish,

    but as you would say &quot;w/e&quot;  &gt;.&lt;

    just kidding!!

    just remember to recycle!

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