
If the world is the egg and we are the dividing cells feeding off the matter, when will the one be born?

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If the world is the egg and we are the dividing cells feeding off the matter, when will the one be born?




  1. In my believes, nothing exists everything is illusion, the FIRST MIND created the world, we still exist in that mind, in one second he can delete us from his mind and then we will not exist anymore. The FIRST MIND created us as same as his mind, so we can create what ever we want in our Mind, some people want to live more, other want to live after death in the heaven, so as you see the SECOND MIND is creating another worlds same as the FIRST MIND did.

    You should create your world after death before you die, don't ask anything using “is there ...?” “Can I ...?” or any question like this. We are free to do what ever we want, and free to create what we want.

    Take this example: we are friends in this web site “Facebook”, we live inside this site, if the creator of the site decide to delete it we all gonna disappear. Life is the same, we are living, eating, making friends, studying, and if the creator decide to delete us from his mind we will disappear, it will take a second for the world to disappear.

  2. OMG! thats a brilliant question!...which i dont no the answer 2 but its still interesting!

    good luck in finding ur answer!

  3. When the divided cells have consumed all the matter within including other divided cells until one dominant cell remains and the egg can no longer sustain it.

    The eggshell will crack and the final offspring will be born.

  4. unfortunately it seems abortion may be imminent for this ectopic pregnancy.

  5. The chicken came first. We're all scrambled man!

  6. Hang on there are many metaphoric presumptions her.

    Ok the world is the egg.  And we are made of cells, consuming organic matter, with the assistance of some necessary eliments.  We exist in a matrix of zero point energy, constantly under the influence of our environments combined component resonant frequency, Influenced by the degradation of order through to more and more complex chaos. OK. It seems that on this rationale we are moving further away from one, but towards infinity.

    But hang on lets look at this a little more pragmatically.

    The big bang, or creation, saw the creation of the stars from a force of such magnitude that very early there was nothing but energy, too hot to form matter, but as this spherical, and miraculous, explosion of existence spread out more room between the bits began to appear... And the bits turned to very simple Hydrogen and Helium.clumps, and the clumps would spin around their centre of gravity, and gravity ensued, wrapping and heating and clumping more and more bits. As time went by, star systems lived their life and burnt through their fissionable fuel creating more and more complex elements with a more and more complicated elementary radioactive frequency. The funny thing is that as some systems supernova, they are torn apart to become one again, and the process continues from 'oneness' to diverse scattering of 'multitudinousness'.

    You work off the assumption that a prophetic one is to ensue. This is a big open metaphor and a platform that I will choose to speculate.  Lets say that we are heading towards the oneness end of our systems lifespan, that gravity,and gracity is pulling everything closer together, and the moon will fall toward the earth the earth toward the sun and the sun falling closer and closer in on itself.  But this frankly is not correct.  The moon is flying away, as is the earth from the sun.  The sun throws megatones of mas out into the cosmos every split second,  our system our world is moving toward chaos.

    But perhaps you speak of a being, 'The new messiah' the second coming.  What if this new age of spiritual awareness is repressented by many, of a collective of spiritualists for the first time not ruling and dominating, but acting in agreement and acordance to the laws ot nature and humanistic inclusion.  But maybe this one is not human.

    When, Maybe its already begun, maybe you are one of them. Maybe the Christians won't like it, but then again the establishment didn't like Jesus much either.  One might be excused for being loved by the masses and hated by their contemporary competitors.  I'm sure not one who would hate one for being different, especially if the worlds collective spirit were at heart and mind.

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