
If the world really loved us so much under the clinton admin...?

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why were there a record number attacks on US soil during his administration, as well as chant "death to America", while declaring war on America UNDER THE CLINTON ADMIN?




  1. I don't care what the worlds opinion is of US-as long as we are a free, strong and moral country.  We owe the world nothing, however, we are the first there to help in time of her need

    What does US owe Russia, Iraq, Iran, China, France---really.

  2. When we say the "world loved us", we meant the civilized world.

  3. Because the world didn't love us.

    But the biased, liberal, Soviet-style press hid this from us.

  4. and why was 9/11 planned?  

  5. Funny how liberals forget that when they talk about how awesome it was under clinton.

  6. They didn't love us when Clinton was in, they hated us just as much , if not more from lack of respect and inaction.

  7. As opposed to now, when every single nation including former allies, despise America and openly mock Bush? He is the laughingstock of the entire world.

    At least Clinton had some degree of respect, more than dear ol' 'Dubya' will ever know.

  8. The Clinton Administration wasn't as great as some like to crack it up to be.  Our economy was only good during his reign, because Reagan left him with a good economy.  From there Clinton let the economy slip by all that you aforementioned and by vetoing a bill to off shore drill.  9/11 just so happened during the Bush Administration, if it would have happened during Clinton's we would have been just as screwed or even more so.

  9. Not ALL of the world loved us.  Al Qaeda still hated us, but NOW many countries that used to not hate us do.  

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