
If the world was comming to an end?

by Guest33159  |  earlier

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Would the local governments notify the public




  1. Nope.  All government officials would be busy notifying the public of the correct spelling of "coming."

  2. only God knows.

  3. would they need to

    would everybody not know about it any way

    kind of hard to hide the end of the world

  4. well they wouldn't even know. they're probably busy going to their families.

  5. the government will probably stay very hush about a known event like that.  If a giant rock from space was going to impact the earth and wipe us all out the last thing the government would want to do is inform us that we are going to die and only a select few will make it into the underground cavern or into orbit to wait out the storm.

    Bruce Willis is getting a little old to be saving the earth from eminate destruction and no way do i want aerosmith going up there.

  6. There's probably a protocol for this somewhere on a dusty shelf.

    But no, I don't think the local governments would be told at all. Perhaps the state governments would be but this too is doubtful.

    While I believe we have a 'right to know' if, for example, a doomsday comet was headed our way (nuclear war would happen too quickly and there would be no time to alert anyone), I also know human nature. The ensuing panic would be horrific.  

    If I were the President (assuming it is he/she who would get the word and make the decision whether or not to tell) I would NOT tell unless the event were weeks/months in the future. What good would it do?

    Of course we live in a world where these things would probably leak out. I have long had a plan for such a circumstance.

    No crazy, futile, trying to evacuate (I live in DC suburbs). I would take a bottle of wine, go up on the roof with my loved ones, and watch it blow.


  7. Yes , Rev. tell you all about it and No the government wouldn't notify no one because they are in it for themselves.

  8. I hope not. It would not do any good and would only spark looting and other antisocial behavior.

  9. No, they wouldn't want to risk the people going crazy and practically destroy everything. Remember a person is smart...but people in general panic and do crazy things when stuff happens.  

  10. No. Because doing so would only cause panic and do even more harm.

  11. The question is, would the Federal government notify the local gov't.

    My guess is if it's going to be a quick end (i.e. meteor) then no. If it's an extinction level event that will build up over weeks or months then yes, you will be notified.

  12. how would they know when the end was due to be?  perhaps scientists have managed to accurately predict things - like earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.

  13. yes, read Revelations

  14. I don't have an answer for you but I would love to point out the fact that both Cinderella AND BeachLife referenced the book Revelation from the New Testament and BOTH gave completely opposite answers. :-)

    Oh yes, and it's "Revelation" not "Revelations"

  15. no they will move to mars

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