
If the world was ending, what would u do?

by  |  earlier

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Lets say u have 1 hour before the world is demolished. what would you do? Me, personally i would gather my family and my kids and share some last words. that sounds like a great thing. and i would go to the people i hate and end their life a few minutes early. but i really wanna know what u would do.




  1. i don't hate anyone that much that i would want to kill them.

    no, i'd share time with my family and eat chocolate cake.

  2. umm go to confession


    and be with my family of course

  3. Be Happy That The World Is Ending Because Man Has Never Done Anything Good To This World. He Has Spoilt It. In 2012, There Is Going To Be An Apocalypse. Thats What The Mayan Calendar States.

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