
If the world was going to end in 5 minutes what would you do?

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If the world was going to end in 5 minutes what would you do?




  1. Pray and be with someone... no wait, i have nobody... i guess I'd pray and be with something i cant live without... hmmm, oreos is a good candidate for this!

  2. I remmebr the scene in the film ALmost Fmamous when the plane is going to cash and the guy tells all  of his things to the girl, was funny

  3. pray and pray and read the quran and say bismillah and pray and pray and pray

  4. wrap myself in a fuzzy wuzzy blanket... eat the dark chocolate peanut m &ms that i have been saving in my freezer for just the moment...  say a thank you for my life and for my family and friends and the things of nature that the great spirit has allowed me...if my companion was here i would ask him to join me...

  5. tour the world

  6. praise god and ask for forgiveness, then wonder what it feels like to die

  7. I'd finally get out there and run that 6 minute mile i've always wanted to accomplish!

  8. Eat a cookie

  9. Grab the man I love and hold on tight.

  10. Have a quickie with my bf :P

  11. Find someone to kiss.....:D

  12. call my mom for one my dad for one my sister for one minute.

    and i'll sit and drink coffee while waiting for the world to end.

  13. Hijack an airplane and fly as high as possible and then jump out.

    OR even better, find a quick pirate ship and sail out to the edge of the world.

    Perfecto for me!

    IN five bloody Minutes!!!

  14. call everyone i could and tell them i love them

  15. Watch the show

  16. Spend the last five minutes in praise and thanks to God for the great journey He set me on. It's been a real good life here on earth despite myself.

    What I have in my life is has been good. What I will have after this life is going to be a heck of a lot better than just "good". I have so much now, and will have so much more because of His grace. So there is a lot to be grateful for, and a lot more to look forward to.  

  17. I don't really know, but I do know that I am not worried about it as I know where I am going when I die. I guess see how much ice-cream I can eat in a minute with out getting a brain freeze. LOL.


    Laugh Manically!

    Tell my family, dogs, select types of animals and friends to get in our escape space shuttle.

    Strap in and launch away to mars.

    (Where we have successfully built a thriving civilization.)

    Sit on our happy new little homestead an say a prayer for the people.

    Carry on the human race.

  19. i would spend the whole 5 minutes thinking about what i should be doing.

  20. Depends entirely on how it's going to end. If it's going to be a relatively painless end, I'd simply lay down and wait, and probably think about my life and life in general.

    If it's going to be some horrific, violent destruction, I'd probably hang myself or throw myself off some skyscraper or another to avoid the more extreme pain of the end of the world.

  21. Close my eyes and think about life.

  22. I would look up at the sky and thank god for what time i had on this earth!

  23. renew my subscription to Mad magazine

  24. Carry on. Unless I knew. And then I'd stop it from ending. Unless it was going to begin again, then I'd help it.

  25. I would have a quickie ;)

  26. send an email to my friends saying bye!

    haha IDK what can u do in 5 mins???? Nothing!

  27. I'd either get drunk/stoned, get laid, or kill Paris Hilton. Or some combination of the three, depending on what mood I'm in.

  28. I would Rape Some girls and Steal sum Stuff OR mabey Run around in a small circle for 5 min Most likey Running

  29. Make sure I have clean underware on.

  30. I would pray to our Heavenly Father.


    and maybe some lemonade.

  31. I would be angry that I never got to see Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince :)

    But for real I would try to find out the cause and think of the way to survive. If that was impossible then I would just say bye to all my close ones and then fall asleep....

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