
If the world was going to end tomorrow,how would you spend your last 24hours on earth?

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If the world was going to end tomorrow,how would you spend your last 24hours on earth?




  1. I'd eat everything I wanted one last time,and watch I Love Lucy reruns.

  2. Spend it wisely.Stick with your loved one.Together appreciate the sun rise & discover the moonlight.Till the end........................................

  3. answering ppl on YA

  4. hmm. i'd eat all the peanut butter i could without worrying about breaking out the next day. ohh man, that'd be great. hahaha.

    other than that, i'd spend time with my dad and my mom... if i can get them to be together.

  5. I would sit next to my mom and talk and talk and talk to her. Hear everything about her I never knew. And then sit quietly. Enough to just truly experience each other. Just to be in her presence is a great gift. Her true presence though. Not when she has 7 other worries floating thru her mind.

    And then I would eat a lot of ice cream with her too.

  6. i would go down into the basement, cover myself in tin foil, put a paper bag over my head and lie down under a table. You never know, it might help.....

  7. A few things to do: empty and clean the fridge:::take out the washed clothes from the machine::::close all windows:::;make a good farewell msg to all my friends in YahooAnswers! (there are a few more things in my list: will tell you later!)

  8. I would hope it would never come to that...

    How could you have love, life, joy and happiness all in under 24 hours?

    I'd probably spend the day with my friends, trying to fit in as much fun as possible, I'd go to Paris, Italy, Ireland, LA and all the places I've ever wanted to go.

    I'd spend the last 24 hours of my life being me, and for once I wouldn't have a care in the world!

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