
If the world was going to end tomorrow. What would you do today. Because its your last day to live.?

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If the world was going to end tomorrow. What would you do today. Because its your last day to live.?




  1. rape people and kill them

  2. HAHA that one girl: get a boyfriend. how pathetic + lame. i would have the nicest/fanciest dinner with all my friends and family and my boyfriend. yum!

  3. 1-Get a boyfriend

    2-have a kid

    3-adore them

    4-go waste all the money i have


  4. The same thing I do every day Pinky, I am going to take over the world!

  5. i would just have a good time

  6. See everyone i know and tell them how great they are. Then go and write my will saying that they can freeze my eggs so that in the future if my bf wanted my kids he could get a surogate, then my soul will live on through my child :D

    Why such a random question!!!

  7. i would still try to do something that would extend the life of the earth although i would know it would be f no use. i would hope that such a day doesnt come. but if the condition found in the present day continues then what uve mentioned could be a reality.let us do our best by doing some useful things which would save the environment.

  8. meet all my family and loved ones .

    then would do every thing that i ever wanted to do...

  9. I'd go skyyyyyyyyyydiving, I'd go rocky mountain climbing, I'd go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu. I'd loooooooooove deeper and I'd speak sweeter...etc.

    Then I'd pray like nobody's business just in case there's an afterlife.

  10. listen to music and call all my loved ones to say love yous and good byes.

    I would eat chocolate too, I've been on a diet for a long time! ha ha

  11. Hang out with my family and eat pizza, ice cream, and every fattening thing I wanted.  Then, I'd make all the drinks I've never tried and I'd drink myself into a stupor.

  12. i will help everyone and pray god and say thanks for giving me this beautiful world full of friends.i pray for a beautiful world to come to life again for my friends to be alive

  13. Fly to LA, break into the American Idol studio, jump David Cook.


  15. tell my boss what I really think of him,then go home and make wild passionate love to my wife

  16. There's not much on this planet to do that's worth doing...prolly just listen to music and go online like I always do...

  17. try to be ecofriendly that one day.

  18. Replying to your question

  19. just enjoy

  20. Probably wud waste the day crying about it! x

  21. Get a Date


  22. Nothing different, I guess. What I've (we've) been doing these past few years could make that happen anyway...

    PS - is time travel allowed? i.e. back a decade or so?

  23. i would eat happily and appetise my hunger and then collect all my important certificates, papers, my gold etc. i would also keep a safety kit beside myself. i would then make all arrangements, put all money in airtight plastic bags and keep chatting with my family members all night. then when tomorrow comes i will be together with my family for dfficult situations i will always be with them, if in case they get........*SOB*SOB*SOB. it will not happen..........

  24. well no place to protect my self !! , i will go to those people which i have been very bad with and ask to forgive me and tell those people that i really loved that really i loved them and is for real , then i go place where i used   pray , and  to pray with what i do believe and i will not be able to give my house to any one because they would not needed , and i can not give the money away for the same reason ,no one would needed next day , so  stay in my house and wait for  the  "DAY "

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