
If the world was to really end in 2012 what would be the most probable cause?

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i would suggest world war between east and west




  1. McFanns take on the anti-Mc's

  2. oh for goodness sake if i had a penny for every time the world was meant to end through out history i'd be a millionaire

    why do people believe in such guff?

  3. Total nuclear annihilation.

  4. Republicans.

    They have been trying to destroy the world for decades.

    It's part of some weird apocalyptic messianic complex they suffer from.

  5. Bee obesity.

  6. Aliens invade  

  7. as the earth spins the moon is sustaining its momentom, but as a result of cintrifical force the moon is slowly being pulled away from the earth and each day is slightly more above 24 hours than the previous. The rate at which the moon is moving away is slowly climbing and once the earth starts to slow at a high rate and eventually stops all the west coasts of the world will recieve record high tsunamis. Like if you were moving with a cup of water then the water moves in the opposite direction. The tsunamis will result in the apocolipse and we will all die.

    My theroee, combined form hostory channel website statistics and the movie 2012 dooomsday.

  8. Hypocritical Idiot goverments pressing their nuclear buttons!

  9. Yeah, world war 111 with the east and china and russia and it would end from nuclear weapons

  10. Well I don't think it will, but ... if it was to be a fictional story I was writing? I'd say a mixture of man made destruction with a huge dollop of natural disasters and a complete lack of wisdom all coming together in a "perfect storm".

    And somewhere in December of 2012 the whole of mankind ends with a whimper...

  11. All the silicon **** in the world blowing up at once.

  12. The London Olympic Committee trying to out-do the Chinese opening ceremony by using nuclear weapons.

  13. A crapload of natural disasters coming at once. Tornados, hurricanes, rains of asteroids, earthquakes, whatever you can think of. h**l on Earth!

  14. the olympics lol.

    the worlds been endin for yearsss

  15. The world can not possibly end in 2012, because there is at least another 1107 years to go.  The Lord Jesus may well return in our lifetime though, and He will change things considerably, bringing in the end of the age of mans rule.

  16. The world will not end in 2012. The Mayan calendar predicts that the world will end in 2012.

  17. For the world to actually end it would have to be a huge meteorite or comet or something similar striking the earth.

    For human life to become extinct would be something entirely different. That could happen due to nuclear or biological warfare, a mega volcano erupting, a smaller meteorite causing dramatic and instant climate change or any of a dozen other things.  

  18. Americans

  19. Cow farts

  20. ASTEROID   10 miles diametre....  

  21. Yes it will, It will spin faster and faster till everyone flings off of it.

  22. israel bombing iran.  russia helping iran.  america helping israel.  nukes eventually used.

  23. The Yanks getting their asses kicked in the Olympics by some third world country.  Again.


    (I'm joking BTW)

    Seriously, I have heard or read on the net somewhere about an asteroid that's supposed to come very close to Earth in 2012 and maybe it's going to be just a bit too close.

  24. global warming going out of control due to nuclear explosions.

  25. England holding the olympics...we are never aloud our glory.

    I dont know actually, but they said it was going to end in 1999 and we are still here! and in 2006! again still here! and in nearly every year since! It is like every 6/7 years they say


    I dont believe in any of that c**p, we are all going to die one day, why not all be together then haunt whatever is going to be here next :P

  26. the british try to beast the chinese in the Olympic opening ceromony.... adn accidently blow up the world....


    Appollo 13 returns to earth 1 billion times bigger and smashes the earth to pieces....


    Gorden Brown is still PM by then... surely that'll csuse the end of the world!

  27. no hydrogen bomb war or nuclear war

  28. 4 years of an Obama presidency.  

  29. Polar shift.  

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