
If the world would end in a week what would YOU do?

by  |  earlier

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i would in my way have the best days of my life by stealing a plane and go everwhere and start looting hahaha,how bout u?




  1. loot and pillage around the world with my fiancé and our best friends.

    Then return home and watch crappy 80's movie marathons.

    If I have time I'll rape Michael Phelps......... I'm kidding.

  2. I'd try to pay all my bills. Not nice to leave loose ends when departing.


  3. Nothing, You see the world won't end, It's life as we know it that would end, and if that's the case, we won't have time to do any thing, But pray if you are a believer of the other side like I am, You pray that you make it to Heaven..

    But if there was time to do anything I would have my entire family around and try to ease their fears, console them and just enjoy our being together till the end

  4. Everyone else would be looting and pillaging.

    Money would be worthless once people realized what was happening.

    I'm a middle aged fat guy so I don't have much of a chance in the mayhem.

    I'd just chug a pint of antifreeze and get it over with.

  5. I'd put my wife and son in my car and visit my brother in Florida ..and make a visit to Orlando for some fun . I wouldn't worry about the cost.

  6. The same thing I've done every time the world was supposed to end.

  7. hmm.. i quite like this question!!!! :) LOL

    if it was to end in a week i would do or try everything that i wasn't given a chance to try before!

    i would complete teh list of things to do before i die

  8. Id see as much of the world as i could in a week

    good quetion!!

  9. What I've always wanted to do but never had the guts too. I would let go of all possessions and attachments. I would spend time with the people I love while at the same time trying to enlighten myself.

    When you have nothing to lose, you lose everything.

  10. the same thing. i'm happy the way i am because i'm with the Lord. there would be no way for me to see the rest of the world, shop, or anything like that because there will be so many people running wild and crazy that i would only be concerned with staying safe and having enough food to eat.

  11. If the would were to end in one week and if I really had more time I would have already taken the time to make sure I survived whatever was to happen.  And not wait the last day like they did in the movie Deep Impact.  

  12. Spend my time with my family while sipping Yukon Jack 16/7.  Family is beyond worldly sights or a plane ride.

    Ask yourslf this same question in 20, 30 or 40 years.  100 bucks says you will have changed it.

    Care and luck,

  13. Nothing different than what I'm doing right now.

    We're all going to die sometime and there's no point in debasing yourself just because you are putting a date on it.

  14. I would blow half of my money (and give the other half to my family to save). Of the half that I would blow, some of it would go to making myself happy, while the rest would be spent on people that I know and love who caught a bad break in life.

  15. I would surround myself with the 4 people who matter to me.  No time is worth wasting on things or other people beyond that.

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