
If the “black box” flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash,?

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why isn’t the whole d**n airplane made out of that ****?

RIP George Carlin




  1. My numbers may not be exact.  But, my reasoning is correct.  We use 20lbs of steel to protect 1/2 lb of electrical equipment.  If we use same 20lbs of hardened steel to protect every 1/2 lbs of weight on the plane, including 300-400 passengers at an average 200 lbs each, then that would prevent the plane from flying.  Flying is the original intent.

    I think they should devise some type of huge parachute that could slow the crash....but I'm no engineer.

  2. Because it would be much too heavy and unable to fly, duh.

  3. the black box is actually encased in special foams that absorb the energy of the impact. However in some cases, even this hasnt been enough to stop the recorders from being destoryed. Not really practical to cover aircraft in it.

  4. If the black box in an aircraft can survive a crash, why isn't the plane made out of the same material?  For people that are not involved in the aviation industry or in fact have never actually seen a black box, it is a very valid question. There are a couple of factors that contribute to the survival of the black box during a crash; 1) what it is constructed off , 2) the way it is constructed, and 3) where it is located in the aircraft.

    There is usually at the very least two black boxes on the aircraft; the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR).

    The CVR works on a loop where it records for a certain amount of time and then starts over; I believe most are on thirty minute loop. You will hear pilots speak about a sterile cockpit, this is a term referring to keeping the cockpit quiet and only speaking about what needs to be said, i.e. reading a checklist or talking with air traffic controller.  This allows the CVR to pickup both the pilots voices as well as any noises that may be made in the cockpit, i.e. thud, bang, or switches going on and off.

    The FDR similar to the CVR works on a loop, but covers a larger amount of time. The FDR stores all different types of specific aircraft parameters. Some of the items that the FDR records are engine temperatures and controls of the aircraft (ex: flaps).

    Both recorders are equipped with their specific recording devices, memory boards, etc… the main guts of the black box.  Most of the boards are surrounded by a thin layer of aluminum. Surrounding the aluminum is a form of high-temperature insulation. This layer protects the memory board in case there is a fire on board the aircraft or resulting from the crash.  The outside of the “black box” is made of usually stainless steel, although sometimes titanium can be used.  This shell is designed to be the armor of the black box.

    Each FDR and CVR is constructed in such ways that they can withstand large amounts of pressure, fire and water damage.  The companies that build the black boxes put each unit through many tests that reenact they events that can occur during a crash of an aircraft.

    Lastly one of the major reasons that the black boxes can withstand the impact of the crash is where they are located in the aircraft. Most are located in the back of the aircraft. This allows the rest of the plane to take the impact of the crash – be it the crash zone.  Some black boxes are even equipped with self ejecting units, which allow the black box to separate itself from the rest of the aircraft.

  5. Good question.  Lol.

  6. It's too heavy.

    And even if they were to manufacture it, the impact of the crash would kill everyone anyway. so wouldn't be of much use.

  7. Black boxes r made of 5 layers of hardened steel. The aircraft should be light so as to consume lesser fuel.So the lightest metal yet strong(no compromise on safety) is ALUMINIUM.Also the scale is very small and for an aircraft to be as safe as the the walls must be 9 inches thick. is this possible?????

    note: In aviation journalism the black boxes are a kind of magical thing that tells why a crash happened.But in reality,only45% of b.boxes in the planes r in working condition.It is b'coz the part is rarely in need in it's entire life

    and not maintained properly.Yet airlines that take passenger safety as a important thing do maintain properly.

  8. Because they're square, it's just not aerodynamic enough to fly.

  9. That's actually FUNNY but dumb question.

    The "black box" is stronger than a tank.  And as we all know tanks cannot fly.  The air planes have to be extremely light to (especially commercial planes) to fly and make money.

    Good Luck...

  10. I always book my seat in the Black Box. If you are really worried - just wait till the crashing plane is about 3-5 feet from the ground and 'step out' onto the ground.

    I understand that in this 'sizzling' economy that if there are any survivors of a plane crash the replacement cost of the plane will be pro-rated/billed to the survivors.

  11. i just don't know.

    RIP G.C

  12. Why are professional pilots answering a question that was supposed to be a joke?!!!  Every time someone asks this, they must laugh and laugh at all the goofballs that actually try to give a straight answer.  I'm laughing, too.

  13. The "black box" is always damaged in a crash but since there are no moving parts inside them now the data that is recorded is still recoverable.  The box is also bright orange not black.  

    If the plane was completely made of the stuff (non magnetic steel) it would be too heavy to fly and even if it could fly it would be no safer than the original

  14. A black Box weighs about 10 Kg

    Say a Boeing 747 (which weighs 163844.0 Kg)

    is made out of the black box material.

    163,844.0 x 10 =  1,638,440 Kg

    The 747 would weigh 1,638,440 Kg

    The Lift to Drag Ratio of a Boeing 747 is 17 at Mach 0.84 (or 0.84 times the speed of Sound)

    For a 747 made of the Black box material to gain enough lift, it would need a lift to drag ratio of 170.

    Which means it would have to go up to mach 8.4 (8.4 times faster than the speed of sound)

    to gain enough lift. There is nothing on earth(except sound) that could be faster than sound by 8.4 times. If the 747 did go to this speed, it would not last because 747's are not meant to even reach mach 1.

    That is why you can't make an airplane (or at least a 747) out of the Black Box Material. It would just be way too heavy.

  15. most people got it the plane would be too heavy to obtain lift off and if it was able to get off the ground but crashed people would die on impact cause nothing will absorb some of the crash inertia.  Its also not the crash that kill a person in a plane, u can survive a wreck, its the smoke and fire that comes after wards that kills

  16. the same reason why, if money is made out of "paper", why they don't just print more for this F****ed up economy....

  17. Well, first of all you have a misconception if you think the "black box" (it's orange by the way) never gets damaged.  It does!  The contents survival is it's only concern.  The box gets crushed, torn and burned, but because of the way the insides are packed - they survive.  You would NOT want to fly packed into an airplane the same way the black box is packed.  There is little if any room for movement inside. the equipment is surrounded completely by shock absorbing. flame retardant foam.  It's VERY tight in there.

  18. 1.  George Carlin was frequently quite funny.

    2.  Flight recorders are frequently damaged in crashes, in relative terms.  Crashes are not frequent.

    3.  If the entire airplane was made of steel alloys, it would weigh thousands of tons, and would not be able to fly.

    Simple enough.

  19. I think there's a small difference between protecting a very small box with durable material that cannot be destroyed compared to a whole plane! Even if the plane was made of unbreakable material and didn't disintegrate on impact, everyone would still die on impact from internal injuries.

    Nice idea though - like your thinkin ;0)

  20. It is sometimes destroyed.

    An indestructible aircraft won't keep you alive inside if it stops suddenly enough.

  21. because the airplane protects the box.

    the black box is actually orange and is made of plastic.

  22. Expense, as if we needed anymore added to airline tickets.

    RIP.. George(he was excellent)

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