
If there's 1,000,000 terrorists on the watch list and none have been caught why isn't the US a smoking ruin?

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  1. Because the majority of people on that list don't care about hurting the average American. As a previous poster mentioned with gas almost Five dollars a gallon and our currency being worthless, they don't have to physically attack us. They have pretty much brought our country to its knees. Although I have to say that for all his faults, Obama is still our best option. He is the only candidate with the will to develop alternative energies which is what will actually rebuild the value of the dollar, not drilling in Alaska.

  2. Boy, that article could easily be misunderstood!

    We have always had a list of this sort.

    There have always been more than 1,000,000 terrorists around.

    We now have the means to identify them.

    The reason the list is out of date is because so many of them have been caught.

    The list of those who HAVE been caught, not those who have not been caught.  The list of those caught or killed is far larger.

    The U.S. isn't a smoking ruin because:

    We have lists like this.

    So many of them have been caught.

    We can identify so many terrorists.

    We expand the list with time and intelligence.

    Terrorists that can be identified cannot move about freely.

    We act on our intelligence and no longer tolerate such behavior.

    God Bless the U.S.A. and it's allies, Russia, China, and others, in their fight against terrorism.

  3. I agree with BJK, except that bit about "Your chances of injury from Arab terrorism is about the same as your chances of being struck by lightning."

    Actually it's much, much less. Even if they hijacked a plane EVERY WEEK, you would still be more likely to die from a lightning strike than by terrorism. :) (Link)

  4. Because the war on terror, as advertised, is grossly overblown. 9/11 was either a false flag or it was exploited like a false flag.

    There are Arab terrorists, and they hate us for our foreign policy not for our freedom. Your chances of injury from Arab terrorism are about the same as your chances of being struck by lightning.

    The only terrorists to fear are the criminals that have hijacked our government.

    The criminals require a couple million names to fill up the new FEMA detention camps when they finally decide to use their illegally assumed authority to declare martial law at the president's discretion only. Haliburton will require some cash flow once the FEMA camps are ready. Heck they only got some $380 million to create the camps, that's small change for Haliburton. No doubt they are looking to see those camps fully occupied to boost the bottom line.

    Remember … it may not take martial law to fill the FEMA camps. The new bill, almost law, HR1955 criminalizes political dissent. Any Americans on that list can be labeled as "homegrown terrorists" then sent off to the FEMA camps. The protections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights do not apply to terrorists.

    People are such sheep that they see the words "violent" and "terrorism" in the name of that bill and automatically assume the law doesn't apply to them ("Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"). That law is about criminalizing political dissent in America. And yes, Obama is supporting that act by failing to stand against it. It isn't necessary to mention where McCain stands - that is obvious.

    The bill also gives the government the right to monitor ALL of our internet activities. With that, and with the FISA law, will we have any tools left to organize to vote out a tyrannical government? Seems not.

    How convenient is it that when it finally passes the Senate, the criminals already have the list of homegrown terrorists assembled and the detention camps ready for occupancy.

    Wake up people. There are criminals in our government. Democracy is under siege.

  5. Maybe it's because our much maligned armed forces and intelligence services are doing a good job of rooting them out or making sure that they cannot do anything to harm us.

  6. It's because of the corruption in our government nad the government it self.

  7. Let's see... Gas is $4.00 a gallon; people are losing their jobs; Banks are "going under", people are losing their Homes... -how much more SMOKE- do you WANT?!  :0

  8. Sam-

    Are you quite certain that it isn't?

  9. Even before 9/11 the war has aways been on the Average American, mainly economically by shipping our jobs to China and lowering our standard of living. 9/11 just gave our controlling plutocrats the opportunity to treat even more Americans like terrorists by expanding the police state that was really started under Bill Clinton's Administration.

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