
If there's a fatal wreck in AL, you're not under the influence but have marijuana in your system?

by  |  earlier

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would that be held against you? As far as I know AL does not have a zero tolerance law




  1. OK, I'm just hoping you didn't kill one of my relatives in Alabama. See the "fatal" part is the bigger deal, here.

    You hear it in the Miranda rights. "Anything...can and will be used against you in a court of law."


    "Marijuana increases risk for vehicle crashes"

    Researchers have reported the more marijuana a driver smokes before driving, the more likely they will be involved in a fatal crash. The study was a population-based, case-controlled study of more than 9,000 drivers with known drug and alcohol blood concentrations.

    Bernard Laumon of the French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research said drivers under the influence of cannabis face a greater risk of being involved in a fatal crash, and the greater the dose of cannabis inhaled, the greater likelihood of them being responsible for the accident.

    Laumon and colleagues found a positive test for cannabis to be associated with a three times greater risk of being responsible for a fatal road crash. Patients who use marijuana should be informed about the increased risks for being involved in a fatal vehicular crash that they are likely to cause.

  2. Well I dont know much bout Alabama laws but there is a way to beat that if you got arrested when you go to jail after they fingerprit you and take the mugshots and the DNA   they will try to p**s test you ok and you DO NOT have to take it if you take it they can prove you had it in your system  and marijuana stays in your system for 28 days or less depending on your body weight  and if its too late for that then you should get a good lawyer if you are looking for a lawyer then i suggest you check this site they will help you find a lawyer ...i hope everything works out for you and if you have any other questions about marijuana feel free to message me or visit the site I mentioned earlier ...Best of luck

  3. Yes, and you are under the influence.  DUI doesn't just mean alcohol.

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