
If there's a limit to how much water you can use a day.....?

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would you take a shower/bath with your friends or family?




  1. When I was a teen we had a severe drought in the area we were living and we had water rationing. Our water was metered and if you went over your limit they would shut your water off. It was illegal to water your lawn, fill a pool or wash a car. The city shut off all drinking fountains and decorative fountains, we didn't have showers after pe. Here is a list of what our family did to ensure the 6 of us didn't get our water turned off. We dry washed dishes with a rag before we used about 1 gal to wash the entire meals worth of dishes. We bathed and used less than 5 gallons, once a week and took sponge baths the rest of the days. We put a brick into our toilet tank so we used less water when it was flushed. We only flushed when we had solid waste.

    It was a challenge, but we all managed and noone got sick. We are very wasteful with our water and I have always been aware of how much water I use. Lawns are one of the biggest wastes of water in our nation. It usually accounts for more then 50% of a families water usage even though we only need to water less than 6 months a year in many areas.

    My area is again facing a drought cycle. I'm already prepared with drought tolerant landscape and water conserving appliances. I have my rain water storage tanks on order. I don't really want to give up showers.

  2. For privacy reasons I don't think I could do that, but there is a serious proposal for reusing bath and shower water.  You'd have to recycle that by pumping it out of the tub and putting it back in or taking them right after one another.  Or take turns showering and bathing and plug the bath tub when you're showering so the next person can bathe.  Hope that helps.  I know it's in the works to find a way to do that though.

  3. There is not a limit as for how much water do you use every day .

    You Can use all the water you want ... as long as you pay the montly bill .

    And as if I would you take a shower/bath with my friends or family,, I would not , but if it is for example children under 10 , I dont see anything wrong with that . And you certainly could save water and money .On the long term.

  4. Check out thiswebsite-

    It breaks down how we use water every day (eg-5l for drinking etc) and how much each person uses on average.

  5. plenty of water everywhere , no limit ?

  6. noo

  7. If there was a limit I would put down a well. Even a shallow well can be used to flush toilets and water lawns.

    That said taking a shower with a loved one can be a great experience.

  8. Many countries have water restrictions - some legally enforced, some more normative (making people feel very guilty if they don't stick to them).  

    If i lived in a place with very little rain and barely enough water to drink, yes, I'd share a bath.

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