
If there are aliens ..why don't they use rockets etc. like we use to go into outer space?

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Could it be that their space crafts are better than what we use?

(just pretend that aliens are real and visiting us) .

Is the gov. in the process of trying to build saucer shaped crafts to go to the planets,moon etc.?




  1. Their space crafts don't even have wings. The aliens run their crafts on radiators and reverse fore fields with a negative and positive magnate. If you read the book of Ezekiel he mentions space crafts which the Yahweh God came down in.

  2. In order to answer your question (and yes, pretending that aliens are real), the answer is actually kind of simple: rockets only propel things in one direction.

    The second question you asked, as to whether or not the government is in the process of trying to build saucer-shaped crafts to leave our atmosphere, I can't really tell from official reports one way or another, but there have been lots of saucer-shaped crafts proposed and then not built for one reason or another. Mostly, cost-effectiveness is the primary reason cited, but other than that the main issue is that our technology is still based on vectored thrust (like rockets, jet engines, propellers, etc.). Nobody has come up with anything that actually works well so far, though there are some interesting ideas (one involves superheating the air to an explosive state with lasers, but this is still just a different kind of vectored thrust).

    Until we have things like inertial dampening or antigravity fields, or even something else (a new idea that nobody's thought about yet), we're pretty well stuck with vectored thrust engines to propel our craft.

    Presumably (again, assuming that they exist), aliens have discovered things other than vectored thrust, and thus their space ships and what-not have these advanced engines.

  3. In addition to what TR said about velocity, chemical rockets are extremely inefficient and must carry a tremendous amount of fuel.  This fuel adds weight to the rocket making it less efficient.  The amount of fuel required to travel between stars in conventional chemical rockets would be enormous.

  4. I no are 51 has some secret c**p, the signs outside say, "Lethal Force is Authorized Beyond This Point." And their security guards sit inside average looking cars on hills and road with loaded snipers to stop traspassers i live in cali and have family in vegas so ive seen the signs and cars with binoculars. but the best craft that could make it to space would probably be the silver naboo ship from "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace"

  5. We are only in the very early stages of space travel, and our craft are not designed to leave our solar system.  IF there are alien civilizations capable of intergalactic travel, then they passed the early stages that we're in many centuries or millenia ago and can now travel at or beyond the speed of light, which most humans don't even yet believe is possible.  So yes, their crafts are far better than ours.  And IF they do travel here, and IF they have crashed, then our governments certainly would be trying to dulicate them.

  6. Even pretending that aliens have visited us doesn't help much. There is no possible way using modern theory that aliens could get to us in any reasonable time. Even at the speed of light you are talking lifetimes. Why would anyone bother coming here even if they could find us?

    I may be fun to pretend but aliens among us are about as likely as Harry Potter.

  7. Simply because chemical rocket propulsion like what we use is not a practical means to propel a spaceship to the velocities needed to traverse interstellar space. Remember we're talking about hundreds, thousands, even millions of light-years distance between us and other star systems, and the fastest vehicle we've put into space, Voyager I, is going only a measly 39,000 mph (0.006% the speed of light). And that's with the benefit of gravitational slingshots.

  8. Because if they are aliens then they are completely different to humans. That is how you define the word alien. It means something that is uncanny and unknown to humans. That would mean their brains are completely different, and therefore they would not have the knowledge and ability to build "spacecraft". Or they do know how to, they just don't have the materials.

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