
If there are kitty kats and bunny rabbits and puppy dogs why not a pony horse?

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If there are kitty kats and bunny rabbits and puppy dogs why not a pony horse?




  1. Because a pony and a horse are two different animals, a kitty and a cat are both cats, a bunny and a rabbit are both rabbits and a puppy and a dog are both dogs,  Ponies and Horses are not the same, but as you put lets say kitty and cats are syns.

  2. Because that sounds weird like the rest. Why not just call them by their proper name? Cats, Bunny or Rabbit, Dog or Puppy, Pony. ._.

  3. coz ur a spoilt brat!

  4. cuz ponies are HUGE

  5. Haha good question, maybe cause pony isnt the baby version a horse, as Kitten is the baby, Cat is the Adult, Bunny is baby, Rabbit is Older, and Puppy is baby, Dog is older

    ....?Maybe lol :)

  6. Funny you should mention "pony horse"! Actually, there is such a thing. A pony horse is what they call the horse that leads Thoroughbred race horses to the starting gate. Totally unrelated answer to your question, I know, but there IS such a thing.

  7. Because Ponies are not baby horses.

    A pony is a small horse with a specific conformation and temperament. There are many different breeds of ponies. Compared to horses, ponies often exhibit thicker manes, tails and overall coat, as well as proportionally shorter legs, wider barrels, heavier bone, thicker necks, and shorter heads with broader foreheads.

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