
If there are more than 3 spatial dimensions, do you suppose parts of our own bodies function in those dimens.?

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Maybe at the molecular level only, but those are still particles contained within our bodies. Those little particles could be out there jiving around in dimensions 5 through 10, who knows. The little buggers could be moving back and forth through time for all we know.




  1. dimension                                                                    dimension     dimensionn one demension before we were born here(1)

         We are in this dimension(2) We will be in Gods soon(3).

  2. Never thought of it that way,but it is an interesting way of thinking about the world

  3. It is suggested that the quarks that make up our atoms need to exist in different dimensions for the forces and interactions to add up.

  4. No. Molecules are too big. At the string level perhaps, but molecules do not vibrate in hyperdimensions.

  5. I hope so.   I need more than one demension to be comfortable.

  6. NO, when you say parts of our bodies, you are saying physical and physical only vibrates in physical..Spirit moves through time, guided by mental.

    Oh yes, must say this is only my opinion.

  7. My stomach exists in at least 3 spatial dimensions and my bowels movements in at least 4.

    I must add that those parts of me are BIGGER than molecules. My backside needs a dimension all of its own so I'm somewhat of an expert in inter-spatial bodily dimensions.

  8. Not ours at this time, while we live in mortality but just wait until you die and move to the other side of the veil, a whole different existence opens up to you where you are not fettered by limited dimensions.

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