
If there is a beaker filled with hot water,what happens to the heat energy lost?

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If there is a beaker filled with hot water,what happens to the heat energy lost?




  1. Most of it goes into latent heat of vaporization of water, which evaporates into the room. Some is lost as per Newton's Law of Cooling.

  2. the heat is transfered to the gases and other solid objects around it

  3. The energy is not lost, rules of thermodynamics prevent it, it is transferred to the surrounding air or other matter that is in contact with the hot water.

  4. Heat is transferred by three means:




    Firstly, heat energy will be radiated by the beaker.  This is easily seen using a thermal imaging camera which detects long wavelength infra-red radiation.

    Secondly, heat energy will be conducted through the beaker wall and heat up whatever it is standing upon.

    Thirdly, heat energy will be transferred to the surrounding air which will then rise away from the beaker to be replaced by cooler air which is then also heated and rises, and so on, and so on.

    So in summary, the heat from the beaker is transferred to the surrounding environment until the beaker and its contents are the same temperature as the surroundings and equilibrium is reached.


  5. The heat energy "lost" from the beaker is gained by the room, the earth, and eventually the universe.  As the beaker cools, the heat just keeps on spreading out until it exists equally everywhere. (and is much too small to measure)

  6. It evaporates into the air... steam :)

  7. It warms up the room

  8. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it is not really "lost."  The energy is transferred to the beaker, the air, and anything else in the immediate vicinity (maybe your hand; be careful!).

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