
If there is a big hospital fire, what do they do with all the patients?

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What if they are in surgery? What would the hospital staff do if there was a hospital fire?




  1. Well. The nurses and doctors try to rush the non-critical patients out first, then the firemen help with that. If a patient is in surgery they are screwed, lol jokes the operator must sew them up as quickly as possible, or if this isn't possible, they are airlifted to another hospital.

  2. those in the process of surgery, out of luck.  

  3. The on duty hospital medical/para-medical as well as Security staff start war footing steps to prevent fire. They must inform Fire Brigad and Police authorities and start rescue operation at their own level. First of all they  transfer all emergency/operated patients thereafter they transfer M&C patients,then all surgery patients in any safe place with the hope that almighty will be with them and they will be safe

  4. Hospitals have many passive and active fire protection systems.  These include fire sprinklers, hose stations, smoke/heat detectors, alarms, fire resistive construction, fire doors, smoke control systems, etc.

    A fire in one part of a hospital does not mean that the entire building must be evacuated, just the fire area.

    Hospitals also have backup power and other systems.  And planning and training for such situations.

  5. Hopefully get them all out and not have to find another burn unit! Seriously, every hospital has emergency plans and they are practiced and rehearsed over and over.

  6. Contain the fire, remove all patients (the ones who can walk for themselves will be pushing some of those who can't), stabilize the critical patients and remove who can be removed.  Everyone else dies.  However, there have only been 2 steel buildings to ever collapse due to a fire (WTC 1 and 2). Most hospitals are made of steel so the fire can be contained.

    I don't think anyone in a lock down mental ward would care.

  7. I'm sure they have a fire alarm if it goes on fire the water automatically goes on and if someones in the middle of surgery they would move them quickly to a safer room or area

  8. Move them out.

  9. The 3rd answer-er has a fair point.

    And the people in he psych ward probably wouldve started the fire anyways :]

  10. I work in a hospital and it has sprinklers throughout the roofs which would automatically turn on.  Each area also has firewalls.  Our policy is to move all walking patients/visitors to the next area and then move non-mobile patients.  We do not move them outside etc just to the next zone behind the firewalls.  We actually experienced massive fires here about 3 years ago and inside the hospital was the safest spot to be.  I am not sure what would happen if someone was in surgery but hospitals are extremely well compensated with extinguishers etc so it would be easy to keep a fire at bay long enough to move the patients safely to another zone.  Theatres are very big open empty spaces so there is nothing really to ignite a fire so it would not get far if it got into the Theatre.

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