
If there is a crash over the ocean where do they burie the survivers?

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If there is a crash over the ocean where do they burie the survivers?




  1. you dont bury survivors. that was the answer 25 years ago when i was at school. speaking of school, how about some spelling classes?

  2. would be happy to bury the survivors where u want me too - just stop the kicking and protests from them and we should be fine

  3. sorry, thats an old one........ do not bury survivors

  4. You dont

  5. survivors don't get buried

  6. Very old joke!  You don't bury survivors...  

    if there's a crash over the ocean - the best you can hope for is to be a 'floater' so they can collect your body and then bury it back at your home town.


  8. Why would you BURY (check the spelling) survivors?

  9. depends ...What kind of crash was it plane, boat,bird,or wave? And what country ya''ll from, we alway's bury our survivors.      Me I'd puree the survivors but that's just me...

  10. There would be no need to bury the survivors

  11. they probably wont be able to find them if they have sunk in the sea....

  12. the survivors dont need buried coz theyre allive

  13. Survivors are mean't to be rescued. Don't rescue me if I'm at sea FFS :)

  14. how this has not been posted before

  15. You dont. They're not dead.


  17. The survivors get eaten by sharks

  18. They don't bury survivors

  19. You don't bury survivors, thst just not nice lol.

    Ask me another that was an old one i heard long ago. :-p

  20. Stupid question you cannot bury survivors as they have'nt died they have lived.

  21. duhh.they dont cuz they survived...

  22. erm, u dont burie da survivers!!!!!!!!!

  23. You don't bury survivors.

  24. Nowhere. Survivors are still alive.

  25. The survivors would not need to be burried

  26. no they BURY the dead!

  27. You don't bury survivors

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