
If there is a possible pole shift and reversal on December 21, 2012, would we still grow up, grow older?

by  |  earlier

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Like for example, it's October 5, 2012, and I turn 26 and, even at times either during or after the pole shift and reversal, I can still turn 27 on October 5, 2013.




  1. I fail to see how reversing the polarity of the magnetic field would do.. whatever you are positing (no, time wouldn't stop/cease/slow). Though I don't really know what that is (the body text makes no sense).

    I also fail to see why you believe there is going to be a pole reversal at this exact point in time and believe you little actual understanding of said subject.

  2. there is not going to be one a pearson that could tell what could happen befor it happen said that it was not going to do that and that pearson is Silvia Brown she said that this will happen and she was right

  3. How do you connect pole reversal and time?  As much sense as a pole shift doesnt make, trying to say it relates to how we age is absurd.  Sorry.

  4. There is not going to be any kind of "pole shift" in 2012.  Magnetic pole shifts take many 1000's of years to happen.  First the magnetic field weakens to about 20% of the present value, then it gets messed up with several "north" and "south" poles here and there, then it gets stronger again with the multiple poles merging or dieing out, until we have the new north and south poles.  The whole process takes 5000 years or longer.

    The spin pole is constantly moving and wandering around-- but only at about 30 meters per century!  There hasn't been a fast or violent pole shift  for about 5 billion years.

  5. It will have nothing to do with age.You will still get a year older.It only has to do with gravity and magentic feilds of north and south.You will not feel it nor know it unless it happened violently and sudden.

  6. Yes, a pole shift and reversal shouldn't turn back time or stop us aging.

    Or not as far as I'm aware anyway :D

    I hope it doesn't otherwise I'll not make it to 21 =[

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