
If there is a wrong-way vehicle in your lane, you should...?

by Guest59212  |  earlier

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If there is a wrong-way vehicle in your lane, you should...?





  2. Get off the road or find any outlet that will get you out of danger.

  3. Get their attention.......chances are they won't hear your horn, but flashing your high/low beams on your headlights will get their attention......they should also see you ahead coming towards them if they are paying any attention to their driving,  don't you think? They also shouldn't be driving too fast because they have probably just turned onto your street.

    I would also try to move into another lane if possible, or turn into a driveway, parking lot, or onto a sidestreet if necessary to prevent a collision, and to give them room to turn around.

    I saw a truck and horse trailer going the wrong way once, and he just smiled and hunched his shoulders as he drove past.....I mean, what could he do and where could he go except to the next intersection.....he was too long to turn around.....I laughed about that one.

    Whenever we visit a new city, most of us, at least once in our driving career, turns the wrong way onto a one way street.

    Don't be too self-righteous. We are all human.

    And remember.......when you are driving, anything can happen at any time!


  4. pull to the side and let them pass.  no point you getting into an accident because of someone else's stupidity or ignorance.

  5. honk, flash headlights, and get the h**l out of their way.

  6. raise h**l, throw stuff, use weaponry, explosives just to name a few. violence goes a long way

  7. swerve

  8. Get Out Of there WAY !!!!!!!!  Honk and call the police

  9. Mostly pull over.

    In fact, it happened in NYC's Brooklyn.

    Bus replacing subway was going on eastbound one-way street called Lafayette Street when we spotted black car was going on wrong way of one-way street.

  10. All good suggestions above me.  One more is to stay on your your side of the road.  Many people have been injured when the offending driver makes a last second return to correct side and head-ons the driver that was trying to get out of the way.

  11. Pull to the side and let them pass.    Flashing lights may wake them up.

  12. Turn around and drive in the same direction.

  13. Pull over toward the side of the road, i.e. the side of the road you normally drive on.  In America, that's to the right.  That way the other fellow can pass you on the left if he intends to continue driving the wrong way.

    Expect him to do something totally surprising, so watch out!

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