
If there is no conspiracy in this world, explain these??????

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Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."

Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991




  1. These fools keep talking about the aliens. The same thing is already under way. From global pandemics (Avian Bird Flu!; SARS!) to the War on Terrorism (Osama is out there still! Listen to us or he'll get you again!)

    Its not the actual threat, so much as the perceived threat. Kissinger uses aliens, because it seems so far fectched, yet, who's to say anybody could refute it if the governments came out and said, we're under imminent threat. Hmmm does it sound like the Patriot Act to anybody?

  2. sure it is

    just open ur eyes and smeel it is in the air

  3. Other than conspiracy websites, where are there sources for these quotes? Any legitimate sources?

    I find all this Bilderberg bogeyman stuff to be based more on fear and superstition than on fact.

    So, after 53 years, what exactly have they accomplished regarding world government? Not much at all that I can measure.

  4. So if aliens attack earth we will move to a one world government and give up our rights?  Ok.  I some how doubt that aliens will attack any time soon.

  5. I also don't think aliens will attack the world... simply because if they are thinking about it, we are already doing the job for them.. look around and see, war is covering almost 76% of the world, if aliens and they are smart, they will wait for it to cover 100% which is gonna be soon according to what we see everyday in the news.

  6. Wow, thanks.

    I mean, up until now, it was just the "truthers" that would make me spit my coffee up when reading their rants.

    Now this.

    Thank you

    Thank you.

    I am now less intelligent for having read this.

  7. There is an antidote to this.

    It is called _Watchmen_, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.

    In it, someone actually *does* force the issue of a One World Regime upon humanity, using a faked "alien" invasion much as you describe in your amassed quotes.  And in this tale, it *works* thanks to the failed efforts of "superheroes" no less.

    And for all the end, all it took was for one man to write down his thoughts, to create a journal and to have that journal fall into the "wrong hands", to set an implied chain of events in motion that would *eventually* bring that house of cards down.

    *This* is the real reason why most folks don't believe in conspiracy theories.  Because for each one we *do* see coming, as you've described, there are half a dozen others we *don't* see coming (did you even know who Osama bin Laden *was* prior to 9-11?  How about Al-Qaida?), or more to the point, that we don't *hear* about because they're going to *work*.

    And really, it's the ones I *haven't* heard of that concern me.  Because it really only takes *one man* in the wrong place at the *right time* to actually make a conspiracy work....*or fail*.  Only one.

    And the awful truth is....the Arab World has had the *method* (crashing hijacked planes into things) and the *motive* (hating Israel and Teh Great Satan, duh) to *do* 9-11 for years if not decades.

    What's been missing is the *opportunity*.  What's been missing is the inside man, the former business partner, among other things, to tell them "Now, do it *now*!"

    If you really want to spot conspiracies....look for the *opportunity* for them to work.  Motives change and methods get updated....but slimeballs like a certain ex-CEO of Halliburton, and a "former" close business associate of the Bin Laden family (according to that *lefty rag* _The Wall Street Journal_, among others), they don't change too much over the years.  They haven't changed since Machiavelli's time.

    Look for your "inside men", the people who give opportunities.  These are the *enablers* of conspiracy.  Conspiracies, as crimes against mankind, live (succeed) or die (fail) by the efforts of those who give conspirators the *opportunity* to do their deeds.

    If the house is locked at every door and double-paned window, and the security system is there and *on*, the break-in won't happen without someone *letting it* happen, you know?

    Count on it.  ^_^  And thanks for your time.

  8. Interesting...a thought provoking group of ideas...

  9. you seemed to have explained yourself out here on your own. people will always deny ideas such as this because it presents an uncomfortable notion that they are not, and will never be in control of their surroundings.  conspiracies?  they have to exist, but they do not necessarily have clear -cut explanations.

  10. Sounds like you need to lay of the drugs and get some sleep.

  11. You have done well, Earth creature.

    The Illuminati will surely reward you.

  12. This is going on but we are helpless to stop it because no one believes you. And until it comes up a bits them in the butt they will all think you are a nut job.

    Just get your own house in order and quit worrying about it.

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