If the world was formed 4.5 billion years ago from a large inorganic soup of "whatever" and out of this came the first single cell algae,where did the inorganic soup come from?How can nothing+chance=everything?Life only arises from life!!Thats biogenesis!!Life cannot come from nonliving matter.Evolution says that there is upward progression yet our world is becoming worse and worse.More poverty,more crime,more heartache,more bloodshed.....2nd law of thermodynamics ENTROPY!!! I just discovered something amazing in one of my encyclopedias,under fossils it says "Scientists determine when fossils were formed by finding out the age of the rocks in which they lie" and under Paleontology "important in the study of geology.The age of the rocks maybe determined by the fossils in them" is it just me or are we going in circles here??? somebody please answer my question!!!!!