
If there is no witnesses can I be charged for turning over a full porto potty face down with a cop inside?

by  |  earlier

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When he finally got out he seen me walking by and just picked me at random. Should I get a lawyer




  1. Huh? Why would you do that?  

  2. plz do it again

  3. That's why a cop would never use one, dumbass.

  4. Criminal charges can be proved in many ways.  Sometimes with witnesses.  Sometimes with confessions.  Sometimes with forensic evidence.  As you appear to be asking nonsensical questions for your own amusement, I hope this helps.

  5. That was pretty dumb.

    Have you been charged by the sh**** Officer?

    Don't know if you need a lawyer, not enough info.

    A bit smelly.

  6. He did not actually see you do it so he does not have a case.

  7. LOL, yes! doesn't matter if there were any witnesses or not.. police protect themselves.... and if true, that was a very stupid thing to do

    good luck getting out of that one!

  8. You should confess.

  9. I think  you should be charged with murder of the English language.  He SEEN you?  There IS no witnesses?      

  10. yes because the cop is not going to let you off. how do you know that nobody else saw you.  and you will be convicted and the cop could bring a civil suit against you for his injuries.

  11. yes you need a lawyer. Most likely he has gotten your fingerprints to prove it. If he hasnt you will still need a lawyer if you want to take it to court because you wil have a h**l of a time representing yourself. Although the cops allegations and charges will not have much standing due to lack of evidence the only thing you have to worry about is the predetermined opinions of the jurors or judge and make sure that you do not make an *** of yourself and look innocent because if you look like a wigger with an attitude then the judge or jurors will automatically label you as a trouble maker. But when it comes down to it you have a pretty strong defense

  12. Forget the lawyer, you will need a doctor.

  13. Thanks for the confession, now we all know.

  14. Yes. You need a lawyer.

    Whatever they say cops protect themselves, I assume you're American as you used the American slang for policeman, if you you are in big trouble, they can find someone random off the street and have them charged for anything.

    You are really in trouble. I hope it was worth it...

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