
If there is one thing you'll never let your baby daddy forget about...?

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Baby feels so deliciously naughty :)

Anyway, what is the one thing that you will never let your husband/SO/baby daddy forget that he did?

When Em was a few weeks old she was sleeping on her tummy on my chest. I needed to use the restroom so I asked Josh to put her in her swing. He did, and I ran to the bathroom. When I came back I noticed that he'd put her in the swing alright...on her tummy! He'd lifted her right off of me, turned around, and set her right back down in the swing :) I'll never let him live it down!

Your turn!




  1. Sure but they don't all involve the children.

    At a baby store he took a staff member to the wrong car to get the car seat fitted.

    He fell asleep and left our son at nursey for 20 mins extra.

    This is the best though.... he was sat next to me watching TV and picked up HIS OWN HAND and KISSED IT. He only realised when he actually kissed it, not when he picked it up. LOL.

  2. Oh gosh, there are tons....LOL.

    * The time, right after our daughter was born, where my husband called the nurse line because she had the hiccups and it was freaking him out.

    * The time, while he was going through the mail, that he handed her some, and she ate it...while sitting on his lap.

    * The millions of times he has put a diaper on backwards.

    * The time when he was putting our daughter to sleep. She kept crying, so I stuck my head in the door, and told him to check if she had a dirty diaper or not. Instead of turning the light on, or smelling, he decided to just stick his hand down her diaper.....and she had indeed pooped...LOL. It was the funniest thing seeing him run out of the bedroom with our daughter tucked under one arm, and his other hand held out in front of him....

    He's been deployed for about 4 months now, and when he comes home, she is going to be a talkative 2 year I just know he's going to do something "laugh worthy"......hehe.

  3. My son was 6 months old I was at work.  My husband had let him crawl and get into a dirty diaper.  He ate some.  I remind him ever so often.  Our daughter is 5 months and is not yet crawling but I wont let him forget...

  4. My hubby took off while I was laboring in the hospital!  He gets really nervous in hospitals, so he went to get my mom from the airport, which took about 3 hours, dropped her off at the hospital with me, and went and ran errands for another 3 hours!  

    He also told me to get off his side of the bed when my water broke - LOL!

    Geez - what did I do to get a thumb's down?

  5. I had a horrible experience with my labor and and ended with a c-section. My husband was there the entire time. When it was time to change the first diaper i laughed so hard i almost cried. He had used a total of seven wipes for number two diaper!! He was so nervous it took 30 minutes! We still laugh about it today.

  6. That when I gave birth he was in the pub!  Bloody lightweight.....

  7. I will never let him forget how he was sleeping like a baby while i was up nursing and changing diapers through the night in the hospital.  

  8. That he left my son unsecured in the car seat on the couch and my son fell out of the car seat on to the floor.  

  9. One of the first weeks home, my husband was getting Cade dressed. He put the onesie on top of his pants! He looked like a ballerina. So funny.

    Linedancer- My husband called the nurse line to seeif it was ok to give him a pacifier when he slept! LOL

  10. he ran away when i was pregnant.

  11. Hubby was down at the front doors of the hospital meeting his mom and sister who'd hopped in the car and driven 8 hours the second I went into the hospital when I found out I was going to have to have an emergency c-section.  I was freaking out, all alone and I couldn't even reach the phone to call him on his cell and tell him to get his butt back up to my room because I'd had an epidural and my legs didn't work.  The bad timing wasn't really his fault, but I still use it to my advantage from time to time ;)

    Edit: I'll add one he'll never let ME live down.  It was a couple of weeks before my first was due and hubby was at work and I decided it was time to wash all of the baby's clothes in preparation for his arrival.  At some point the reality of becoming a mom hit me and I started freaking out a bit.  I called my husband in hysterics asking him through tears "do you know how small the socks are?!"  I just couldn't get over the fact that I was going to have something that could wear socks that small.  Now its an inside joke between us if I start to get uptight about something strange he'll say "But do you know how small the socks are?"

  12. My husband does not like blood, so when he  cut our daughters umbilical cord and saw the blood gush out.... he instinctively dropped the scissors and said "ewww"... hilarious!

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