
If there is something you feel you must do, & it's not harmful to anyone, but you've been told not to ?

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would you do it anyway? Does it make you an unethical person to occasionally not follow what authority figures (like your parents) in your life tell you to do, or to do something you've specifically been told not to so long as you are not harming them, yourself or anyone else?

Thx in advance for your answers. : )




  1. yeah i guess i would do it and ignore everyone else's advice. whats wrong with not following the rules every once in a while. its like fast food haha. you can indulge occasionally. i mean i wont be causing myself or anyone else harm so i dont see why there would be a restriction..

    wait haha at first i was like what is she talking about and so i read some answers and i thought you were talking about drugs but that didnt make sense. but i see youre thinking about taking that train up to paris this weekend? mmm not a good idea trust me. ignore my answer to the paris question.  ive experienced a similar frustration and its not a good idea to disobey your parents that way. just dont do it is what i advise you. youre parents could not be more laid-back than mine and i suffered some pretty bad consequences. i regret it. dont make that mistake

  2. well... unethical is definitely not the word, i don't think. and - it would depend on how old you are. think to yourself - if you are of age, then why ask for permission? then think- why would these people be telling you you shouldn't do this? then- think about how it would affect everyone in your presence, or involved... i don't know if this helps, but i hope so... just go through all of the options/ reasons... and decide what you really want and if it makes you happy, go for it. =)

  3. It depends on if you believe in ethics or not. Imanuel Kant--a great ethics philosopher--taught that unless an action corresponds with the laws of ethics, it is immoral and wrong. I personally think this is ridiculous; if there's no practical reason why you shouldn't do something, then you should do it.  

  4. You reap what you sow. Does the future harvest glorify God or hurt someone? You judge a tree by its fruit. Just think what fruit will be eaten in the future.

  5. If they caught me, it would be harmful to myself.  ( a vague recollection).

  6. Absolutely not. It's your life, your body, your will.


    Check Lawrence Kohlberg’s six levels of morality.

    You will find that you already know the right answer.

    The first of his levels is chaos. (not knowing)

    The second level is blind obedience to authority

    Third is understanding how and why following the rule or law benefits you

    Fourth is an understanding of how and why the law or rule benefits everyone.

    Fifth and sixth are going beyond the limits of the rules or law for a greater purpose.

    To lower-level moral observers the fifth and sixth levels thinkers look like ordinary rule breakers.

    High-level artists break the rules of conventional authority to change paradigms and move the vision of the world into new realms.

    High-level leaders break they rules of conventional authority to move the world to a better place.


    Jesus, Gandhi, MLK, are examples of these kinds of highest-level rule breakers.

    As a devoted Skylark fan I know by reading your posts that you think and feel at Kolberg’s higher levels.

    Just listen to your higher-level inner voice Skylark.

    You already know what to do in this situation, and what’s more, you understand why you should or shouldn’t follow a particular course of action.


    But higher-level rule breakers must be prepared for the possible vindictive repercussions from lower moral level individuals.

    They are the ones who always advocate just following the dictates of blind authority.

    Whenever that punishment happens take the high level and realize that you should forgive them for they know not what they do.

    Remember that Jesus, Gandhi, and MLK were all murdered by for their higher level actions by those kinds of lower level thinkers.


  8. I am my foremost authority.

  9. Honor your parents is wisdom only if the parents are acting according to the bible. Jesus is the standard and Jesus is the perfect example

  10. I don't think it makes you an unethical person but I would find out why my "authority figure" doesn't want me to do something that doesn't harm anyone if it doesn't harm anyone ...does it benefit them or you?

    Ask your parents why if you still feel the need to do it pray about it...Good Luck...Smile and Be Happy...

    Be careful of your decisions they will come with consequences good or bad that is...

  11. well, i'm not really in that situation right now, but i have been in the past. you have to do what feels right for you because you have to live with yourself. so do what you need or want to, but be careful. and understand that your parents (or other authority figures) are only looking out for you because they care. be true to yourself, but be safe.

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