
If there is such a thing as global warming ,why is it raining and so cold every day?

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We hear global warming this ,global warming that, go green,


It is freezing here and wet every day,can we reverse this and go back to polute everything and have our summers back?




  1. Global warming is only what we consider a minute increase in the Earth's average temperature caused by our excess CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions.  And this 1 to 2 degree increase is enough to SNAFU what we would consider regular weather.

  2. its just the location of where the country is

  3. Global warming is the old buzz-word, Climate change is the new value. Fact is global climate change should be directly associated to the current value assessed in this current period of sun-spot activity. Sun-spot activity declinations and rise's are directly attributable to measureable tropic changes( in real time) upon this Earth. We now are experienceing wild shifts in climate that are normal for us to expect. All I can say is to make the best of these rythems of nature. Positive will and adaptation is far better than the obvious expected reaction.

  4. I thought it was because, as the ice caps were melting there was more water everywhere else - it's not all trapped at the poles as much anymore, so it' rains a lot.

  5. global (adj.) - Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide.

    Global warming does NOT mean it's warmer every place on the planet every day of the year. It only means that average temperature throughout the world is slowing increasing.

  6. Sorry, but global warming IS real and its is not avoidable, even without humans global warming would still happen.

    and it is a common misconception that global warming will just make everywhere hotter, a lot of places will get colder, like england and will suffer severe flooding.

  7. their is no such thing as global worming it is just that the weather of the world changes after couple of years and secondly global worming does not mean places getting warmer it means hot places getting even worm like africa and colder places getting even colder like england  

  8. Bob wants every body to die so he can be right. It rains every day some where because that is normal , It is hot some where every day because that is normal!

  9. yes please! glad I'm not alone in thinking this global warming carbon footprint stuff is just a load of hype and an excuse to tax us yet more

  10. Because short term, weather can overcome global warming.  Long term, global warming will win.

    You can see it clearly in this graph.  Short term the weather jumps around a lot (the black line).

    But the 5 year average (the red line) keeps increasing.

    EDIT - This is one reason there's some skepticism.  People trust their gut instincts and limited personal experience, instead of the peer reviewed scientific data on global temperatures for the last 30 years.   Scientists almost all agree about global warming, because they trust the data.

  11. Global Warming is a scam propagated by the Left as they are afraid we will run out of fossil fuel. They want U to save energy for them...

  12. I feel that global warming is real and happening. Just because gradually the world's overall temperature is increasing due to human carelessness, doesn't mean all areas will be instantly affected. Severe climate changes in different areas are imminent; some places are going to be extremely hot and others cold and rainy, as you said. People who say this is all a scam are wrong. I am sorry; I don't want to create any controversy, but humans' mass production of trillions of products have created immense pollution and wasted a lot of energy. Our carelessness to regarding the environment has resulted in climate change, deaths of animals, and the world is getting in worse health every minute. Do you see animals polluting our earth? Do you see them mass producing cars and facial cleansers? No. Animals are simple creatures, with motives like "Get food" and "Find safe place to sleep." Their necessities are much simpler than ours. We need so much to survive in modern life that we have affected the earth greatly.

  13. Because GISS is flawed--

    and this--    I particularly like this chart.

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