
If there really are space aliens...?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think they might be edible if cooked properly?

And if they are, would it be okay to farm and eat them? I mean, they're not human so that makes them just meat, right?


Kentucky Fried Alien.

Sounds good to me...




  1. I am a space alien.

  2. Regardless of whether they were edible, I don't think it would be OK to farm them for food. Just because they are not human doesn't mean they don't have feelings or anything.

    There would likely be uproar, too - imagine if aliens took some humans to farm for food. Us humans would be somewhat annoyed at that. No reason to think that those aliens would stand for it, either.

  3. aliens are here already.  They're up Hillary Clinton's Snatch

  4. well, the ones that i had high tea with yesterday think that's a bit uncouth,,, but they prefer us to be baked and not fried (it's healthier)

  5. Quit raiding your mom's spice rack for something to smoke.  

  6. We first have to qualify your question:

    Did the they come to us?  The likelihood that they would resemble beef, chicken or vegetable is unlikely, so no.

    Were they sent to us from an alien planet and look like cows or chicken?  Why not, a gift is a gift.

    Did we go there and they look like cows or chicken?  Why not?

  7. Hopefully they don't read this and decide to fry you before you fry them :/

  8. Be careful what you wish for. Have you read "The Day of the Triffids"

  9.   Any type of life that started away from earth would likely be based on some sort of DNA not too much different from ours but it would be different enough that eating it would either kill you or just pass through.

  10. If they don't decide to fry us first. Or worse, there is a supreme race of aliens who will farm both the other aliens and we humans as well. Imagine two more dietary selections

    Alien and Chips


    People and Chips

    Naw the last is a bad idea, we will be the centre feature of a new chain where very odd voices with even more odd accents answer: "People Takeaway, order please."  

  11. No, but they are sentient beings.

    On the other hand, if you found some sort of giant alien bug (like the arachnids in starship troopers) i imagine brain bug would be quite tasty.

    But i wouldn't eat it until i had screened it for space plague.

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